Nawena advises PP: Beware of ‘hand-clappers’ from DPP
The controversial Member of Parliament for Thyolo Thava, Lifred Nawena, has described members of the former ruling DPP defecting to People’s Party of President Joyce Banda as “abnormal” warning PP to be cautious of them.
NawenA, who isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade, said Banda’s party should be wary of the defectors as they have sinister motives not necessarily to support the ideologies of PP.
“All they want o do is deceive the current President,” noted Nawena.
DPP members have been defecting to PP en masse since the demise of late president Bingu wa Mutharika on April 5 and when Her Excellency Joyce Banda was sworn-in as Head of State on April 7.

Speaking on Straight Talk programme on Capital FM, Nawena said the politicians migrating to PP “behave like chameleons” and further called them “confused men and women.”
Nawena, who is on record through the same Straight Talk programme criticising Mutharika, saying he surrounded himself with ministers who were just “hand-clappers” and not free to criticise the President, said Banda should not allow to fall in the same trap like the late president.
The former university lecturer says the former ruling DPP has a future in the politics of Malawi but that it needs to nurture itself in the ideals of democracy.
“DPP has the men and women to continue. If it changes certain things it will survive,” he pointed out.
He however noted that the death of Mutharika has caused “a lot of confusion” in the once mighty DPP.
Nawena observed that the party gurus were not supporting Mutharika “out of conviction” judging from the way they dumped his party, even before the late president has been buried.
Though he was a critic of Mutharika, Nawena said the death of the president makes him “sad and miserable.”
The lawmaker said he has so far been inspired by President Banda’s call to his cabinet to proclaim the truth and not be hand-clappers, calling it “encouraging.”
But Nawena said he will not join PP: “I am an independent member of parliament and will continue to be.”
DPP last July fired Nawena and other MPs Henry Phoya of Blantyre Rural East, Paul Shaba of Mzimba South and Grace Maseko of Zomba Changalume for allegedly leading a revolt against the controversial Injunctions Bill in Parliament.
Phoya joined MCP; Maseko went to PP while Shaba later returned to DPP.
Nawena said he was ashamed to be DPP MP because of the bills and policies that mired the party in controversy during its second term.
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