Njobvuyalema ‘nga, nga, nga’ behind MCP, Chakwera

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) veteran politician Joseph Njobvuyalema on Sunday stressed that his loyalty party president Lazarous Chakwera and MCP is “unquestionable.”

Njobvuyalema: My loyalty to MCP and its leadership is unquestionable
Njobvuyalema: My loyalty to MCP and its leadership is unquestionable

Njobvuyalema said this when attended a political rally Chakwera addressed at Mtunthama Primary School ground in Kasungu.

He said some “forces”, which he did not name, had been trying push him out of the party but he remains a bona fide member of MCP.

Njobvuyalema strength was still felt as he sat just very close to Chakwera.

He was also one of the last speakers before the president took to the podium.

In his speech Njobvuyalema told Chakwera on his face to avoid listening from backbiters.

“Kamuzu never listen to backbiters even baba John Tembo loved everyone in the party, without listening to back biters and confusionists. They will always come to you with different stories because these people have nothing to offer in the party, take everyone as your own child,” advised Njobvuyalema, the MCP hardliner.

Njobvuyalema exonarated himself from some politicians who are breaking ranks with MCP for allegedly flirting with ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

He said: “Let it be known that I am loyal to the president Chakwera and faithful to my party.”

In his speech at the rally, Chakwera accused the Peter Mutharika administration of taking people for granted as demonstrated by the manner it is running affairs of the State.

Chakwera, who is also leader of opposition in Parliament, told a that there was no hope in looking up to the government of Mutharika.

The MCP president further said what Malawians are currently experiencing can be compared to genocide as people are dying anyhow due to lack of drugs in public hospitals and hunger when the budget was approved yet the President and his cronies are busy enjoying “mapwevupwevu.”

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Mogha wa Boyd
Mogha wa Boyd
9 years ago

avoid insulting chewa people our business is no yours talk real things are things ok if not we have to question those in authority

Mmalawi Wodandaula
Mmalawi Wodandaula
9 years ago

Dr Laz we need more of your rallies here in the south.

9 years ago

To hell with ur an empty apm clement. Apm has now become too unpopular. U think chilima will help him again to steal votes as he did??? People hav lost trust in your an empty headed president who dnesnt know to run gvt affairs. He has failed and let others try

9 years ago



BWANJI 2019 ???

9 years ago

mukunamizana no room for MCP

Koma Kumeneko
Koma Kumeneko
9 years ago

2019 tidzatemanapo, mudzayelekezeso kupanga zanuzija and mpamene federal idzabwelere, inuyo mudzikalamulira kwanuko tione ngati makaka angakubweletseleni forex.

Abdullazak Mussa
Abdullazak Mussa
9 years ago

aChakwera tili nganganga pambuyo panu….2019 BOMAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

9 years ago

Zowina MCP mugone muyiwale mafana!!!. Ndale zake zimenezo bwana chakwera sizikuthanidzani.

Nyau Chinde
Nyau Chinde
9 years ago

Hihihi! So Lazaro is busy backbiting. Thank you Njobvu for talking sense. If Lazaro is not a fake m’busa, as his fake accent, he should do the following;

1. Stop backbiting and stop the Nyau terror.

2. Conduct his campaign meetings in the North, East and South. A genuine leader does focus on NYAU alone.

3. Include Muslims in the MCP NEC. We know Lazaro and his Kongelesi hates Muslims, that’s why they set moto village in Mangochi on fire, destroying pipo’s property.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nyau Chinde

The whole world hates muslims’ you idiot!!

9 years ago

MCP is the only party that can bail us out of this mess.these other parties r just there to milk us

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