NONM opposes govt’s planned walk-in interview for healthcare workers’ recruitment
The National Organization of Nurses and Midwives (NONM) has expressed opposition to the government’s decision to conduct walk-in interviews for the recruitment of healthcare workers before releasing results of previous interviews.
NONM president Shouts Galang’aza Simeza stated that his organization is disturbed with an advert the government has floated in the local newspapers calling on young men and women to avail themselves for another set of interviews before releasing the results of the February 2022 interviews.

“In the month of February 2022, the government conducted a set of walk-in interviews with some cadres appearing on the currently intended set of interviews. In June 2022, the government conducted another set of walk-in interviews with some cadres,” said Simeza in a statement issued on Monday.
He added, “Since the said walk-in interviews were conducted, the government is yet to release the results. No explanation has been given for the delay.”
Simeza has asked the government to consider pending the interviews until the results of the previous interviews are released or proper explanation is given for the situation.
“Again, considering the period that has passed since those interviews were conducted, NONM implores the demands that the results of the said interviewed be released without delay,” concluded.
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