Pan African Parliament clarifies Chihana not elected its veep, Aford leader is vice chair Southern Africa Caucus
The Pan African Parliament has clarified that Alliance for Democrcay (Aford) president Enock Chihana was not elected vice-president of the continental legislature but he is vice-chairperson of Southern Africa Caucus.

It was earlier reported that the Rumphi Central MP is vice president of African Parliament which has led to the legislature to clarify that Chihana was not elected Vice-President of the Pan African Parliament during the recent election of the new Bureau.
The Southern African Region does not have a vice–president as the caucus had not yet nominated a candidate.
Vipya Harawa, Clerk of Parliament will later call a fresh election for Southern Africa to take the position of 4th vice President.
According to an email form African Parliament media team, Chihana C is the Vice-chairperson of the Southern Africa Caucus.
As vice-president of the caucus, his role will be to follow up on protocols signed and adopted by the African Union and to ensure they are ratified and domesticated by member states in the Sadc region.
“I will be in office for three years snd I intend to utilize my role to position Malawi as a serious player in international politics,” said Chihana.
He said South Africa’s governing ANC executive member Thandi Modise nominated him and was seconded by Zimbabwean member of parliament PTapiwa Mashakada and he was elected unopposed in elections that took place in South Africa a fortnight ago.
The PAP which is the legislative body of the African Union has up to 250 members representing the 50 AU Member States that have ratified the Protocol establishing it. Each member state is represented by five members.
The parliament is funded by the AU and other external donors including the European Union (EU), the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations Development Programme.
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Ndipo ine ndikatodabwa kuti mbutuma yopanda nzeru ngati imeneyi ayipatsa bwanji such a big role!
Enock Chihana, the rightful AFORD president.osati fwakafwaka mwenefumbo
Za ziii!! Za mbwechembweche basi.. ridiculous!
It’s media problem not our PRESIDENT. Doesn’t matter he still remain our President for our Party here at home….
By the way, he is not Aford President but a President of one faction.