Police arrest mother for conniving with husband to defile step daughters

Police in Mangochi have arrested a 38-year-old mother on suspicion that she connived with a her husband to defile his step-daughter as a way of sustaining her marriage.

The last Friday ordered the arrest her after one of the girls, a 14 year old, implicated the mother during a court proceeding where the father, 43, was handed a 21-year jail term.

Mangochi police station spokesperson Amina Tepani Daudi has confirmed the arrest.

Mangochi Police, Amina Tepani Daudi

On Friday, the Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate Court convicted and sentenced Amini Mussah, to 21 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling his 14-year-old stepdaughter contrary to section 138 of the penal code.

According to Mangochi Police Public Relations Officer, Amina Tepani Daudi, the court through State Prosecutor Inspector Amos Mwase heard that the convict married the victim’s mother in 2012 and found her with six children including the victim.

“In May 2021, the mother of the victim put to bed and connived with the accused to be sleeping with the victim as a charm to secure her marriage with the accused.
The convict has been having unprotected sex with the victim because she was on a five-year contraceptive method called Norplant, “said Daudi.

It was also discovered during investigations that the convict also started sleeping with his elder stepdaughter to the extent that he fathered her a child. Investigations also revealed that the mother had a hand in both arrangements.

On November 2, 2021, after being victimized for so long, the girl gathered courage and narrated the ordeal to the Chairperson of Good Hope Youth Club who reported the matter to Mangochi Police Station where she was issued with a referral letter to the hospital.

The results from Mangochi District Hospital confirmed that the victim was defiled.

Appearing in court, the accused pleaded not guilty to the charge prompting the State to parade four witnesses who testified and proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

Passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate, Rodrick Michongwe, slapped Amini Mussa with a 21-year jail term to deter other would-be offenders.

Additionally, Michongwe requested Police to arrest the mother and bring her to his court to be prosecuted for permitting defilement on her daughters.

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3 years ago

A michongwe mmandisangalatsa zilango zanu. osati zina zomwe timaonazi ayi, munthu kupangidwa convict pa mulandu opha munthu mzake (with albinism) mkumpatsa zaka 5, chimakhala chili chani? We need people like you Michongwe. People who hate evil.

Chunga chunga
Chunga chunga
3 years ago

This is total stupidity especially the mother.She deserves punishment also

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