Police say more being done to curb corruption
The Malawi Police Service (MPS) has accepted there is corruption within the service but said more is being done to deal with the vice.
Deputy National Public Relations Officer for the service, Harry Namwaza, was reacting to recent report released by Afrobarometer in which the service was rated as the most corrupt institution at 42%.

Namwaza said while rating the service as the most corrupt, the report is also showing that a lot has been done to fight the vice since in 2018 the percentage was 83.
“Our comment is that although we are leading on the index, the report also shows that the Malawi Police Service is doing all it can to deal with corruption. You will recall that in 2018, the same Afrobarometer indicated that corruption in the service was at 83% but now the percentage has dropped to 42. This shows a lot is being done in fighting corruption,” Namwaza told the local media.
But Chairperson for Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), Michael Kayiyatsa, said the service should do more to clear its image.
“The figures show that something is being done. The report still shows that the Malawi Police Service is leading in corruption involvement. A lot should be seriously done to have a good image,” he said.
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