PP governors call for Uladi head over Mzomera firing
Over 30 governors for People’s Party are calling for the resignation of the party’s vice president Uladi Mussa for sacking northern region governor Christopher Mzomera Ngwira.

The 30 constituency governors drawn from the central region backed Ngwira’s call to have Khumbo Kachale as caretaker president of the embattled party following the prolonged self imposed exile of its leader Joyce Banda.
“We have no leadership in the party. How can Honourable Uladi Mussa remove people from their positions willy nilly? Honourable Ngwira is an elected leader unlike Honourable Mussa who was just appointed. Honourable Mussa is the one to go not Honourable Ngwira,” said a Mr Ndaipa, governor for Kasumgu Central.
Bornwell Kapatuka Phiri, governor for Kasungu Buwa said Kachale was duly elected at a People’s Party convention and was the right candidate to lead the party in caretaker capacity.
Ngwira was sacked last week as regional governor for the north for agitating that Kachale be appointed caretaker leader in the absence of Banda.
The party leader went into the self imposed exile soon after losing the 2014 general election to President Peter Mutharika.
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Inu kodi kachipani kotchedwa PP kalipobe? Koma anthu ena mumaziwa kukakamira zinthu zoti sizikuthandizani eti! Kupepetulidwa kapena kusowa chochita? Bwini wake wakachipani kameneko ataba iba ndalama m’boma adathawa kale ndiye pano anthu kaya misala nkumalimbirana timipando mchipani chimenechi ahahahahahah???? some people are indeed crazy ndithu.
Let freedom of expression be exercised
Kkkkkkkk Chipani kutha ngati Makatani
Menyanani ife tikhala ma spectators
UDF Woyeeeee!
Khumbo Kachale is Dpp not PP. So he can’t be the party president…never forget during the past tripartite election he placed his cards against PP….
Kkk woipa athawa yekha. Ndaonera Joyce kkk koma udzatipeza ndipo udzayankha.
pp yatha ngati makataniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii……kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
where is PP I don’t think that party exist. Only foolish ppo from the north think that that party can win. muzimvere chisoni atumbuka. anthu opanda nzeru kachali mzomera mbuzi zokha zokha
(((((mayi Banda chiwongolero))))))))))chowatengera anthu akumphompho. Atatakata azathawa. Mayo mayo. Koma chimodzi; electricity improved. Very sad ,lero ana anu akumenyerana udindo,hhhee eyaaaaaa
By the way, which party does honourable Kachali belong to? Is it the DPP or the PP?