PSI Malawi launches Chishango condom promotion raffle: ‘Wassup sweetie’

In a bid to increase the use of condom among sexually active groups, Population Services International (PSI) Malawi has launched a Chishango raffle, dubbed “Wassup Sweetie” promotion.
According to a statement signed by PSI Malawi’s country representative Sarah Makunganya Gibson, the promotion is aimed at highlighting the importance of correct and consistent use of condoms to Chishango’s target population which is men aged 20-29.
The promotion which runs from 1 September to 31 December 2013 comes with a new Chishango package labeled “Chishango limited Edition” and will give consumers the opportunity to win various prizes and protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
During a media briefing on the promotion in Blantyre, PSI Malawi’s Condoms Program Coordinator Brenda Kamanga said every month, one lucky winner will be going away with a mountain bike, 10 lucky ones will walk away with a Samsung Mobile phone each and 35 lucky ones will get a consolation prize of Chishango Wassup Sweetie Promotion T-Shirt each.
To enter the draw, Chishango users are to use the new “Limited Edition” pack, then write their name, address and phone number inside the used pack and drop it at their nearest Chishango outlet or send by post.
PSI Malawi is part of a leading global health network, with programs targeting HIV and reproductive health, child survival and malaria.
Together with other partners in the public and private sectors, PSI Malawi provides life-saving products and behavior change communications that empower Malawi’s most at risk populations to lead healthier lives.