Scrutinising the Malawi State House vitriolic statement
Recently , the State House of President Bingu wa Mutharika issued a statement calling for the accordance of greater respect to the President. In this article, some parts of the statement
will be looked at more closely.
‘The State House has yet again noted with grave concern the continuing habit by some civil society organizations and sadly too, media houses to insult the Head of State, His Excellency Ngwazi Professor Bingu wa Mutharika . . . The State House has further observed in disbelief the unbecoming behavior by the same group of people to ridicule the Head of State on matters of governance. The intention is to create an impression that Malawi is a failed state on governance issues and that
the purported situation is worrying Malawians and donors.’
– To whichever jester who wrote this statement: If a student is murdered and the police tell us it is suicide without bothering at all to undertake the most basic of investigations, isn’t that a sign of a
failed state? Only failed states use the police to murder its own citizens. Whoever is ‘creating the impression that Malawi is a failed state’ is damn right! Palibe nkhani apa, mwangosowa zolemba (there is no issue to talk about; the writer had too much time to waste).
The State President can not be rated to have poorly governed this country as there is no evidence and basis.
– As said above, the guy who wrote this was only trying to impress his bosses and justify his stay at the state house. Evidence of Mutharika’s failure is everywhere. You only have to pass next to a
filling station where people spend days and nights waiting for fuel. This was never the case during the presidency of Hastings Kamuzu Banda and Elson Bakili Muluzi.
Should I talk about the perpetual scarcity of drugs in hospital? The never-ending intermittent power supply? Water shortage? This is the worst president in our history, and no words to the contrary will persuade us otherwise.
‘The laws of Malawi provide for the total respect and protection of the Head of State. Section 3 (2) of the protected Flag, Emblems and Names clearly states that; Any person who does any act or utters any words or publishes any writing calculated to or liable to insult or to show disrespect to or with respect to or with reference to the President…shall be liable to a fine of 1000 pounds and to imprisonment for two (2) years. President Mutharika is therefore protected by that law. The State House believes that such insults are a violation of the law that protects him.’
– You guys just tell us you have discovered new ways of raising forex. Where shall we get 1,000 pounds? By the way, is it pounds as in pounds sterling or Egyptian pounds?
‘Some social networks carry articles and comments that openly insult and ridicule the State President. The State House monitors carefully such networks that are hostile and probably
careless in demeaning the State President.’

– If you want, you can add me as a friend on Facebook. On my wall we talk about Mutharika’s failures every day. It is not an offence to do so. We are guaranteed freedom of speech under the constitution. You cannot oppress us and expect us to be clapping hands for it.
‘Certain phone in programmes designed by some media houses have offered a platform for callers to castigate or insult the Head of State. Anchors of such programmes have often found fun as the Head of State is being ridiculed in public. This too is unacceptable and the State
House is not amused at all.’
– Again, let the people speak their minds. We cannot all be bootlickers busy feeding the president with lies. We cannot tell him he is doing well when in fact he is a total flop. People lack the
forum to express their minds, and phone-in programmes provide this.
‘Countless innocent Malawians like Sheikh Burgudhadi, Mr Waya, Evison Matafale, Kalonga Stambuli mysteriously lost their lives due to their utterances and political differences with that regime.’
– Please, don’t insult our intelligence. Tell us more about Robert Chasowa.
To conclude, let me ask one question:
– So if you are the President you can command respect without having to earn it? Is that the same case with parents? You don’t need to make sure you deserve the respect you get?
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