Security scholar says Mutharika justified to fire Malawi army commander Supuni
A security studies lecturer at Mzuzu University has backed the decision by President Peter Mutharika to fire Malawi Defence Force (MDF) commander General Griffin Spoon Phiri who has now been appointed national security adviser.

Eugene Njoloma said problems were brewing at the army barracks as soldiers were not happy with the leadership of Supuni Phiri.
“President Mutharika has done a right thing at a right time before the bomb exploded. What he has done is a good decision in conflict resolution,” said Njoloma.
He said if Mutharika had not intervened timely, there could have been chaos in barracks as junior soldiers accused Supuni Phiri of abusing their local and international allowances.
Supuni Phiri has been replaced with General Vincent Nundwe who has said MDF will protect everyone without considering their tribe or anything.
In an interview with the local press, Nundwe commented on the current political unrest facing the country due to electoral disputes—which potentially threatens national peace and security, saying this is a political problem but advised all players to follow the law in raising their concerns to relevant channels.
“What we do not want to see is someone infringing on other people’s rights, loss of life and property. Let them demonstrate, after all that’s their right, but they should not infringe on other people’s rights and damage property, that is not acceptable,” he added.
Nundwe said the MDF is not a primary law enforcer, but in the interest of national security, it will not hesitate to join hands with the Malawi Police Service should they be stressed.
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I am so surprised that other people called MDF as uneducated people BUT I totally do not agree with them citing how the new Army Commander had expressed himself about the people’s rights on Demos. It appears the Police are not themselves mindful about the rights of people in the World. Damaging property during Demos. is not any welcome development at all. Peaceful demos are the best to show those concerned of your unhappiness on certain measures of administration whereby there is a requirement for a change. Police is there to friendly give guidance to the people how to perform… Read more »
Joice conceded defeat why not this expired gogo.?Let us get united and shovel him out.He is boring like village toilets
Blantyre is always peaceful. A place of civilization. Unlike lilongwe a place of dust.
Let the truth to truth
General Nundwe congratulations and you have spoken well. Events from Wednesday when the president was forced to use a different route to Thursday’s chaotic mass demonstrations and Friday’s childish opposition parties boycott of SONA and violence amidst court judgement show how worse the situation is turning each and everyday. I don’t know whether the authorities read nyasatimes comments but people suggested moving the case to BT and even postpone yesterday’s judgement to Monday. Shops were being looted while the judgement was being delivered. Let’s not cheat each other the anger of people in Blantyre is not the same as here.… Read more »
The same Blantyre you think is pro-opposition uzaone mmene itazatembenukire. Tangoti phee uwone. You mean since 1994 you are still denying that we vote on regional lines? And you are a Malawian.
Imagine the pathetic votes APM got in the central region if indeed the votes were rigged in his favour then without it he would got less than 50,000 votes! The whole central region and you cant call that regionalism. SHAME!
What is the meaning of “more worse” get lost with your broken English you idiot.
U are very big idiot. BT is angry too!
The question is did he win the elections? Or he was imposed by Jane Ansa? The question is not about the regions. The people of good will are not happy with how fraudulently Mutharika was imposed to Malawians by MEC Chair.
Funny enough, even the South region doesn’t want APM e.g. mass protests in Btz and Zomba. In fact Btz June 20th demonstration were more violent than Lz. I believe that should tell you how Southern feel about APM and his presidency
What planet do live on?
Mass demonstrations in Zomba? The BT ones were respectable, but surely not massive.
Both cities were massive according to its population density watch it on youtube if in doubt!!
Wabodza iwe! Protesters were given money by Mtambo and others and they showed someone from Thyolo kuti he is against APM, zingooneseratu kuti zandalama, nanga corruption ipose apa. Who can be against APM in Thyolo?
Wasowa chelemba kodi naye? Ndakatulo yakoyi walembera ndani kodi?
Excellent observation
Quite a good argument only to be spoiled by “volatile Tumbuka and Chewa areas”. There is no such a thing! 62% of Malawians are angry with the Tipoex that was used during these Madando elections and that needs to be addressed!
This is real nyau arithmetic. APM won by 38.6%. President was nyau za ku Kasiya got 35.4% meaning that 64.6% of Malawi and did not want to ruled by wagule. So what is 62% of Malawians?
“Kaya anawina kaya sanawine, APM will not rule this country” What does it tell me?
It tells me kuti salamula. And inu a Che Wanimiliyoni you are stinking APM, MEC, Jane and Tippex. Talk sense on this forum. And fuck GNU. Plus don’t say the southerners this and that…say alomwe.
Kutukwana kosonyeza kupanda nzeru. Za nyau Basi…fotseki.
Zanu zomapanga Fisi uhule basi
Iwe nde wanyau weniweni – Chakwera Kamano II wosasamba….fuck you too.
I think you are getting it wrong! It’s not about Peter, Chakwera or SKC winning, but about electoral procedures that were flouted and unfortunately favored one candidate. In this context, Peter. Now should that be not collected because he is coming from Southern region?
Be honest: it’s all about MCP and their so-called leader oChakwera baasi.
Wise words, no less.
Bunch of hogwash..
Za ziii zeni zeni …. the chickens are coming home to roost…. they refused 50+1 which could have forced regional inclusiveness osati stuck to your little enclaves. Even just the mere win could’ve brought some measure of joy in citizen’s hearts but no.
Its a sad country when sanity is coming from the barracks.
Useless chicken