Soche Anglican Church conduct first 2017 baptism
Soche Anglican Parish on Saturday held Baptism at Christ The King Church and eight children received the Sacrament which Parish Priest Reverend Father Patrick Mapundula said was important to the children.
The Baptism service was the first in 2017 as the last one was done on Christmas Eve last year, Baptism and Confirmation Director Rachel Chapenga confirmed.
Reverend Father Mapundula asked parents to dedicate their children to God saying it pleases God when His people always come before Him.
“We glorify the Lord for these eight children and thanks to the parents for preparing them that they be baptized. However this should not be the end of bringing the children to God.
“Let them be at spiritual gatherings whether in your homes, wards or here at Church. God will always bless you and the children, protect all of you as you come before Him in praise and worship,” said Reverend Father Mapundula.
Each child had three God parents who were also advised to always remember the children in prayer and social needs, saying the God Parents were there to help in bringing the children spiritually and with good morals.
Soche Anglican Parish is in Chitawira, Blantyre and is in the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi.
The Diocese is headed by Bishop Alinafe Kalemba.