Suspect in Masambuka case implicates Malawi govt ‘biggie’ on abduction of person with albinism

One of the suspects in the  in murder of MacDonald Masambuka, a person with albinism,  who is suspected to have been killed for rituals, has said he was sent by high-ranking Malawi government officials connected to the presidency  to commit the murder crime.

Muhosha and other suspects are led out of court building

The suspect. Alfred Yohane, said this at the High Court Zomba Registry on Thursday before trial judge Zione Ntaba.

Yohane said he was hired together with the other suspects by government officials to abduct and kill Masambuka.

The court directed that the media  should not  mention the names of the people that the suspect has implicated or else face contempt of court.

The names, Nyasa Times understands are linked to high ranking officials at the State House and the office of the President.

However, legal experts say the media will name and shame those implicated because the court cannot enforce the order to shield them.

“Criminal proceedings are ny law  required to be conducted in public  for fair trial, transparency nd accountability. Because  of space and other logistical reasons not all members of the public can attend the criminal trial. As such the media reports on the proceedings to inform the public about what it happening in court, “ remarked one legal practitioner.

“The order would be very difficult if not impossible to report. Consequently the media should be able to inform the nation,”  added the law expert.

Nyasa Times is verifying the authenticity of the names of those implicated and the suspect in question and will give the public the names.

Lawyers have also pointed out that  sitting presidents in Malawi  are not subject to criminal prosecution because under the Constitution they have an immunity.

So any accusation directed against President Peter Mutharika – if any –  will not result in criminal charges while he is in office but any of his officials implicated would be indicted.

The body of Masambuka, 22, who hailed from Nakawa Village, Traditional Authority Nkoola in Machinga, was found buried on April 1 2018 after he was reported missing in March the same year.

Catholic priest Father Thomas Muhosha  is among 13 people suspected of having a role in the murder of Masambuka.

Besides Muhosha, the suspects include Masambuka’s brother Cassim White Masambuka who faces three charges of murder, trafficking in persons and causing another person to harm a person with disability.

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5 years ago

Please Brian Banda and Mr George Kasakula mumatiyimilira tiyeni nazo nkhani pa Hot Current.

5 years ago

Bwana Henry Mussa , Dausi, Ntaba mwazuka bwanji

Gule Wankulu
Gule Wankulu
5 years ago
Reply to  mahome

… Mwaiwala kuwapatsa moni Bwana Mchacha!

5 years ago

Judge ameneyu akutanthauza chiyani poti amalawi akuyenera kudziwilatu kuipa kwa chifwamba chochedwa PETER MUTHARIKAchi kuti pa 21 may pano anthu akavotere munthu oyenelera, chifukwa ngati judge ameneyu akutero ndiye kuti akuupereka mtundu wa amalawi m’manja mwa njoka ngati zimenezi, iweyo judge pamtumbo pa amako osati paiweyo.Amalawi ukuwatenga ngati ana amako kumpanda kwako????. Judge ameneyu chikalowa chipani china achotsedwe ntchito bcz anthu ngati inu ndi amene mukubweretsa manyi mdziko muno.Dzikoli silamako wamva galu iwe!!!!
….ukundikwiyisa ndisaname.

amalawi anatopa ndikunamizidwa
amalawi anatopa ndikunamizidwa
5 years ago
Reply to  Innoxy

amalawi tiyeni tigwilane manja tichotse atsogoleli oipawa

5 years ago
Reply to  Innoxy

Cool down my friend Innoxy

5 years ago

We are having a prospect to learn about names of those criminals from you NYASATIMES MEMBERS please!!!.Enawo ndiye tikuwadziwa kuti ndi gogo peter mutharika ndi gogo hethewik mtaba ndipo enawo mutiuze ndi inu.Koma zifwambazi ndiye zimangidwe posatengera udindo wamunthu bcz ndinamva wina akunena pa nkhaniyi kuti president amakhala ndi immunity so the question is; does this immunity gives him power to kill people but still no arrest????, what does this nosense mean??.

5 years ago

Wow,our God is not and never shall He be asleep

5 years ago

The revelations are too good to be true!

5 years ago

shaaa ndi chifukwa chani munthu akumuseka pa kamwa kkkkkkkk

5 years ago

For rituals to work successfully, the team including their Chair whom we know well were conducting their meetings while mbulanda ( bengende ). Just imagine this type of gathering with their chair in a birth day suit.

ananveruwa aku veterinary ukoo nsewu wa midima
ananveruwa aku veterinary ukoo nsewu wa midima
5 years ago

AAAAAA ineyotu answer ndaiziwa kale Judgeyutu akuziwapo kanthu sikuti ndi iyeyu ayi koma simukuti Judgeyi dzinalake mwati ndi ndani Ntaba? muzifunse nokha mwati chani ntaba? kikikikiki Zione ntaba hahahahahahaha

5 years ago

Why should the media hide the names of those implicated to the matter? Let the public know the truth about the matter. Our lovely Nyasatimes wont let us down, we shall know them all

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