TI trains Malawi journos on probing corruption
Transparency International, the global civil society corruption busting organization, has organised a training course for Malawian journalists in conjuction with the Journalsits Union of Malawi (JUMA) and the Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN) to equip them with knowledge of reporting corruption stories.
JUMA Treasurer General Winnie Agness Bothahailed TI for the training which equip Malawian media on how to investigate corruption without being sued, threatened or harrased.
“There is need for the Anti Corruption Bureau to be independent in investigating corruption without seeking consent from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for prosecution since such a process deters the Bureau’s operations,” said Botha, who works for state broadcaster MBC.

Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) has funded the training.
Up to 15 journalists drwan from MBC, Nation newpsaper, Development Communications Trust, Joy Radio, Daily Times, NyasaTimes, Radio Maria and Capital Radio are attending the training.
TI’s Communications Officer Sophie Brown said fighting corruption involves many players from whistle blowers, journalists who lack resources, to politicians who are not afraid to implement tough laws against corruption.
Brown said the training is the begining for journalists to acquire skills needed to fight corruption.
She also halied the role Civil Society groups are playing saying they can provide journalists with a network of sources and also expose secrets.
In its 2011 Corruption Perception Index, Transparency International ranks Malawi at 100 out of 182 countries.
Ironically, Malawians have lost trust in the country’s anti-corruption strategy despite assurances from the country’s President Bingu wa Mutharika that it will work, according to the country’s 2010 Governance and Corruption Survey final report.
The survey said Malawians failed to report corruption because they did not know where to report or were concerned about potential harassment while most public officials felt cases could not be proved or the process was long and too complex.
“Corruption is a natural occurrence and part of our daily lives, so denouncing it is unnecessary,” the report quotes Malawians as saying.
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