VP Chimulirenji snooze, most DPP MPs fall asleep in Parliament

Vice-President Everton Chimulirenji was caught on camera live on television to fall asleep like some other lawmakers when President Peter Mutharika was delivering his State of the Nation Address in Parliament.

Chimulirenji falls asleep
Chaponda was in dreamland as President delivered Sona
Ben Phiri dozed
MP Chomanika missed parts of the President’s address as he was busy sleeping.
MPs under fire over ‘sleep’

Chimulirenji’s  pictures  have gone viral on social media, showing him sleeping during Friday’s State-of-the-Nation address by President Peter Mutharika.

He earlier  nodded off during a speech by Mutharika but  was caught  on camera later  with his head on the back of the chair during the opening of the 48th session of Parliament.

The vice president is not a lawmaker but has a seat in the House.

His spokesman said the momentary lapse was not because he was “bored” with President’s speech but was a result of tiredness.

Other lawmakers, too, are depicted sleeping in images that have also gone viral on social media after private broadcaster Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS), which was beaming the event live, first published them.

They include  Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Ben Phiri, legislators;  George Chaponda, Owen Chomanika.

Mutharika’s address was delivered when opposition benches were empty as Malawi Congress Party (MCP) lawmakers walked out.

But  some of the most important people inside the National Assembly missed parts of the address as they were busy sleeping.

The sleeping habits of lawmakers during Sona delivery is not new and they keep  sending a very negative message to the people of Malawi.

This is also a second time for Chaponda to be captured on camera sleeping during Sona by President Mutharika.

In 2016 he described the pictures of him sleeping as fake.

Chaponda said in quotes which was reported by The Natioon newspaper: “ Nyasa Times is depicting me [ as sleeping] and social media is awash of such pictures, I worked for UN for a long time and I was respected, but here at home I am always depicted in a negative way.”

In his speech, President Mutharika has pledged to fight corruption and revive the economy following accusations of corruption and mismanagement.

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Mangochi Kabwafu
Mangochi Kabwafu
5 years ago

Sleeping MPs in a sleeping country.

Njolo mpilu
Njolo mpilu
5 years ago

They are bloody too old and too fat. Pot bellies too have after eating an overflow plate of rice with kabichi and half chicken .let alone farting in this hot room with no air condition.

5 years ago

SO, MCP MP’s walked out of Parliament, DPP MP’s were sleeping, please help me define PAM’s audience in Parliament yesterday!!

Were there any sensible people still listening to him?

5 years ago

Gogo tippex speaking to fellow gogos, what do you expect

Njolo mpilu
Njolo mpilu
5 years ago

Awa mbatulo kale mmaonekedwe. Matenda ali tho mulimo.kkkkkkkkkkl

Zamkati Mu
Zamkati Mu
5 years ago

Kodi anachezera kuti anthuwa??

Operation Chotsa Mbavaa
Operation Chotsa Mbavaa
5 years ago

Iwe Chimulirenji muadye gondolosi….mu zuka🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣

Operation Chotsa Mbavaa
Operation Chotsa Mbavaa
5 years ago

This is a totally pathetic n shameful as a country. APM is a shameless embarrassment to our nation. Get this thief n all his accomplices behind bars n they must rot in cell.

5 years ago

Musiyeni Mutharika. Within five years, Malawi will be like Singapore with sleeping ministers and MP. Koma this president is very tribalistic. Am ashamed being a lomwe. Zowona Ben Phiri minister with due respect? The guy who said controversial issues during campaign.

5 years ago

Don’t forget that there tipexeted

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