Wadi chronicles Livimbo land legal ownership: Parliamentary committee sends back again businessmen
A joint parliamentary committee has sent back for the second time two representatives of a businessman under probe for having bought land for a government school at Livimbo in Lilongwe.
The joint parliamentary committee on Legal Affairs and Transport and Public Infrastructure sent back the two representatives, demanding they wanted the real owner of the demolished warehouses who allegedly bought the land.
This was the second time that Irfan Patel and Zuber Lahri had sent back, as they were sent back on Monday because the committee wants to meet Nurmahomed Ahmed.
Lawyer representing the two, Ismael Wadi, told the committee that Ahmed was sick in the United Kingdom where he is receiving medical treatment.
Nyasa Times managed to get presentation which Wadi wanted to share with Parliament.
According to the presentation the land in question comprise Plot No 2/239 is contained under Deed number plan 832 dated 12 June 1956.
The Title Deed was registered on 2 February 1957 as Deed number 21389.
According to the presentation the land was first owned by I Conforzi who later claimed interests of land under sec 6 and 8 of the adjudication of title Act 1971 and the same was accepted in September 1974.
On new ownership, Wadi states that Canforzi sold the land to Nurmohamed Ahmed in 1990 who later sold the same land in Yacub Ibrahim Laheri and Irfan Mohmed Patel in 2017 who later subdivided the land into Bwaila 2/773 and 2/774 in 2019.
These are liars, they are here to steal. Deport them back to their respective countries. Even the presentation is just a waste of time……its all lies. Kudos Parliamentary committee, you are really working for Malawians. Keep it up.
Zopusa basii land ndi yathu aMalawi osati amwenye.Apa biii muasamuka muno mu LILONGWE tikavotanso.Kapena mukufuna Mnsundwe ibwere ku area 2 kudzaphophola.HRDC koka koka apa yalakwa basi
When conventional means are infiltrated with corruption, unconventional means become a solution ie ordinary citizens just have to rise up and grab what was illegally taken away from them.
Livimbo never sold any piece of land to anyone . Period. Livimbo school is operating as usual. The fact is that , Livimbo encroached in public land by building a wall fence inside a road reserve.
The reason why the warehouses were demolished is because of planning permission not granted by city.
Title deed ya pa 12 June 1956 , plan number 832 kenako title deed 21839 ya pa 2 Feb 1957, kodi nthawi imeneyi Livimbo Primary school idalipo kapena ayi . Ngati sukuluyo kudalibe olakwa ndani ?
………………..Malawi needs a strong wand to whip these evil so-called investors/traders because they have reduced most public officers to arse lickers due to corruption. Laheri and Patel are lying that Ahmed is ill in the UK as they want to buy time and organise as Lilongwe City Council’s Chome surprised them with the muscle tractor warehouse demolition football game during daylight not even at night as they always do. Chome is a no-nonsense top-flight manager and they should ask Hajra of Blantyre if am lying………………………………………