What must I do to be saved? Part 1

A long time ago, a Roman jailer asked of the Apostle Paul the most important question that could ever be asked, “What must I do to be saved?” This has been a very controversial topic as most people do not really understand or know whether they are saved or not? If you look at Paul’s answer to the jailer’s question, you notice that he did not give anything complicated but to “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and though shall be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:30-31). The answer actually confirms that salvation is not restricted to few people, but to everyone who believes in what Jesus Christ has accomplished.jesus bible

Nicodemus asked Jesus the same question, and he was told to be born again. This name of born again has been misunderstood by many people as it has been associated with many things that we can talk about and not finish. But to me personally, I believe to be born again relates to understanding that once we believe in what Jesus has done for us, you become a new creation as the old is gone but we start a new life through Jesus Christ.

The term sin is one word that most people don’t want to hear about. I want to assure everyone that there is no man that has not sinned as Romans 3:23 tells us that “All have sinned and fell short of the Glory of God”. This means that all are sinners, and we were born that way because of the fall of the first family therefore we were all in desperate need of the savior, and this is why God had to send His only begotten Son to come and die for us. If we were not sinners, then there would not have been need for Jesus Christ to come and die for us.

If you look at one of the popular verses that I have learned from my Sunday School days, John 3:16, it does continue to say that so that none should perish, but have everlasting life. You can see that it is God’s desire that we should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You don’t necessarily need to do anything to be saved, but just believe which is the simplest thing on the whole earth. Remember that before Jesus came, they had to slaughter many animals but could still not take away the sin of man. But now we don’t have to go through that because it has freely been paid by our Lord Jesus Christ.  All we need is to believe in the finished work of Christ.

Sin should not be looked as something that people should be scared to rebuke because it doesn’t please people. God knew from the beginning that we would fail Him that is why He allowed His son to come and die for us. Thank God that it was not just a temporary solution, but it was everlastingly paid by Jesus Christ that Whosoever Will, May come and take the water of life freely (Revelation 22:17).

To be continued…

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isaac makawah
isaac makawah
8 years ago

It is a serious mistake to think that there are different ways men are saved in the Bible. The most common form of the mistake is in the false idea that Israel was saved by works, but the church is saved by grace. In other words, there are two ways of salvation in the Bible. There is always ever only one way men are saved: by God, by grace, by faith. Man can only be saved by God’s grace no matter what dispensation they lived under, whether male or female, Jew or Gentile, young or old. This mistake is easy… Read more »

Bible Student
Bible Student
8 years ago

The bible commands to believe in Jesus, because I f one believes in Mohamad than they are not saved. Believing is not enough to be saved. In order to be saved one must repent. Acts 3:19. Also, proverbs 28:13 states to repent and to forsake a sinful lifestyle. Please refer to I John 3:7-10 for your next article.

8 years ago

The bible always contradict it self. Because it was written by different people. With different thoughts. Some of chapters are real some fake,that’s the bible u just have to use yo brain wisely

8 years ago


Felix mpex
Felix mpex
8 years ago


kambavi Euthini
kambavi Euthini
8 years ago

Wonderful words . Thumb up Cindy Khumalo. God will reward you. Keep it up! I like Nyasatimes becoz of that

super mario
super mario
8 years ago

Comrade I would love you to help me the meaning of this verse as it confuses me alot. My take generally is that God is telling us that we will have to account for our actions. Ezekiel 18: The soul that sinneth it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be up him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him……………and in Luke 18v18 our Lord Jesus talks about keeping commandments if we want to have eternal… Read more »

mr nyasa
mr nyasa
8 years ago

Alleluia Amen!

Chief Cadet
Chief Cadet
8 years ago


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