9 year old boy dies in Yao initiation camp in Malawi
Malawi Police in Kasungu have rushed to a remote village where a nine year old boy has died in a Yao initiation camp called Jando in the district.
Police spokesperson in Kasungu Margret Mzingwitsa confirmed the death of Julius Sayineti on Tuesday.
“We don’t know the cause of the death but a team of police officers has been dispatched to the village to get the details,” she said.
Group Village Headman Mthiko said he was shocked with the death.
He said the camp councillors or angalibe did not tell him that the boy was sick just to tell him after the death that the boy complained of headache prior to his demise.
Sources close to the family of the boy said the family was divided on whether to send the child for the Yao initiation ceremony or not because of cultural differences amongst family members.
The boy hailed from Mthiko village in chief Wimbe’s area in Kasungu.
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Is sad news for the loss of life. The cause of death is not yet known. Can be circumcision related complications like septic shock or other pre existing medical condition. Should we blame the culture? Much as I may wish to have exhausted all the means that have saved life, Sometimes death is a fact no matter where it occurs. If we ban all our cultural practices, then I think we should also start using dollars, pounds or shillings. Mulhakho wa A lhomwe, just to site one example is one of the cultural gathering. They used a lot of HIV… Read more »
Mwapha mwana ku nyawu. Mukunamizila a Yao. Koma a Chewaaaaaaa
Sanamudule bwino, amupha mwanayo. Govt should also ban this. Adzikadulidwa ku chipatala. I dont think these jandos amasintha ma razor.
Mjomba welewo. You dont know what you are talking about. There are alot of yaos that part of Kasungu. Others like thennotorius Rajab riched a point of troubling chewas. Most business people in Kasungu are yaos and Mnthiko village is one ofbthe many villages hosting yaos who may never go back to their home. Ukunamiza anthu ndiwe. Wimbe and chamama trading centres are full of yaos and there is a certain kombo in chief Wimbe area with yaos only . Each year they do their jando in July n August.
Kapena mwanayo simunamudule bwino
Osanamiza wandu iyayi, there are no Yaos in Kasungu, don’t drag Yaos in this Chewa nonsense. Mr. Reporter, don’t you know where Yaos are found in Malawi? Blantyre, Chiradzulo, Zomba, Balaka, Machinga, Mangochi and some parts of Dedza NOT Kasungu. Apa mwatinamiza.
Bbc will come and cover this same story and then you will see amalawi ndi president wawo pikilipikili as if the local media has not been reporting about Jando. Zikhalidwe zina zonyasa nzimenezi . There is a share button on nyasatimes, times media, zodiac and nation—please use it and don’t only share BBC stories
Kodi what are you trying o tell us? Are you sure that this is newsworthy?
Is it newsworthy because a 9 year-old has died or because he has died ku Jando or because the cause of death is not yet known? I can promise you, this could have been newsworthy if the circumcision was the cause of death and the police had rushed to the jando to arrest the ngalibas. Otherwise, palibepo nkhani apa.