Men top list of road accident casualties than women, says Malawi govt

Men in Malawi need to e more careful on the roads to avert catastrophic accidents as statistics show than in most accidents, men die as they are the causers of most accidents too.


The Road Traffic and Safety directorate spokesperson Chisomo Chibwana believes most accidents involve men ecause they are constantly on the roads as they are bread winners of their families.

Minister of Transport Francis Kasaila said recently road accidents claimed 1000 lives last year alone.

“We need also to know that women are cautious on the road. Most accidents occur because of over-speeding or failure to observe road signs. Most women drive carefully on the roads,” said Chibwana.

She said Malawi is not doing well in terms of prevention of road accidents despite numerous programmes with huge sums of money to put the situation under control.

Meanwhile, a cement company, Lafarge has pumped in K50 million in a programme aimed at preventing road accidents among learners.

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Ayaya kumudzi
Ayaya kumudzi
8 years ago

True. I got my Driving Licence 22 years ago. Never been involved in a serious accident. Wl be sixty in three years.

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