Absence of financial reports at Chiradzulu District Council worries Parliament
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the National Assembly has accused Chiradzulu District Council of lacking seriousness in the delivery of services to the community.

The accusation was made Wednesday during a meeting which PAC convened at the boma with council stakeholders following the council’s failure to produce financial reports for the past five years.
PAC Chairperson Kamlepo Kalua said his committee was very concerned with the conduct of the council secretariat which failed to produce comprehensive financial reports for the past five years.
“We are very concerned. Since 2012 to date, you have not produced a financial report. This shows that accountability at this council is a challenge and how does the council account for the huge sums of money pumped into the district for various development activities,” he wondered.
District Commissioner (DC) for Chiradzulu, Ali Phiri said the meeting was a wakeup call for the council secretariat to improve on service delivery to serve the community better.
He said the council will improve in the area of producing financial reports to ensure that financial information is readily available to the people.
Phiri added, “Failure to produce financial reports does not mean that funds we get from various partners just goes down the drain.”
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