In the absence of justice conflict reigns, in the absence of accountable govt a nation falls

Political intolerance from the time of multiparty system and reluctance by the Executive arm to exercise justice and the rule of law has pushed our nation into disrepute locally and internationally. Failure to acquire majority votes by UDF in the 1994 elections made Malawi to lose its integrity as a nation.

UDF defied constitutional order enshrined in section 65 about crossing the floor from one party to another. In a desperate move to garner more support and fill the vacuum Bakili Muluzi and his party ignored the supreme law of the land in favour of his political shineniganism.

Muluzi completed his two term bypassing and ignoring section 65 till he went out. Taking advantage of the sleeping citizens who could not voice out Muluzi continued to plan for further raping of the constitution by introducing third or open term. Without the power of the international community pumping more funds and sense into the minds of citizens  the democracy of Malawi was going to die at its infancy.

The mentality did not fade nor die preceding governments copied Muluzi’s attitude of ignoring and defying constitutional order.
Today the present government is openly displaying that it is the law, the power, and parliament by itself. Case in point is the president’s negligence towards the court order that restrained his minister from exercising his duties as a minister.

The president’s directive ordering maximum security over the minister who broke the law by continuing to perform official duties despite court order is one of worrisome issue among many. These are effects of our failure to protect and preserve the laws of our country. The worst part is that those who swear by the sword to guard, preserve and protect the laws of the country are the very ones breaking the very  same laws.

Worse of it is that these very powerful people make sure to see that ordinary and common citizens must strictly follow and adhere to the rules and laws of the land. Eric Aniva and many more are languishing in jails while George Chaponda, Henry Mussa, Bright Msaka, Joseph Mwanaamveka, Goodall Gondwe, Patricia Kaliati and Jean Kalirani not sidelining new  thieves in Nicholas Dausi, Noel Masangwi and a countless number of party stalwarts are going about their businesses without being apprehended. This is worrisome and poses a negative future as far as governments and leadership are concerned in Malawi. Leadership in Malawi after 1994 has failed the country.

Childishness in handling leadership norms and tenets have destroyed the whole idea of multiparty dispensation.

We live in a more corrupt country than before, we live in a dictatorship nation than before, we are ruled by iron fist than we were before 1994, we are being killed savagely more than how MCP killed citizens and opponents. Laws are being broken by the makers and protectors than before. Government officials steal more than how MCP stole. Presidents steal so much that they do not care about citizens and the country anymore. Lawlessness is far much worse than the time of one party state.

Leaders and shareholders undermines the set laws and guidelines by doing as they pleases hence corruption and state theft increasing and multiplying than when the country feared late Kamuzu Banda.

We achieved multipartism yes. We achieved democracy yes but we fail to instil and infuse the mind set of observing and adhering to the rule of law.

From afar other states think we are too ignorant to misunderstand democracy and freedom of doing as we please which is exactly what we have and keep doing.

Law and order ran away the day MCP and Kamuzu Banda ceased to preside as a president in Malawi. After 1994 Malawi has become a shameful and pitiful state.

Taking in mind the presidency of Peter Mutharika the way he treat corruption and state theft with kid gloves, the way he is closer to Bakili Muluzi there is no hope that this man can change our nation. After Peter Mutharika Malawi will look exactly what it looked when Muluzi relinquished power in 2004.

Bingu Wa Mutharika was really “2004 generation Moses” he changed many things and instilled order only to lose focus on his second term.

If our country is to turn around law and order must be supreme. Rule of law must be enforced. Corruption must be physically stopped not sang in songs. Three arms of state must function independently with respect towards each other. Despite head of government being the Executive branch respect must be the cornerstone if our democracy can grow roots. There must never be manipulation or undermining of each other.

The future of Malawi lies solely on discipline from all sectors starting from the president to the common man and woman in the villages.

When a nation goes astray searching for a genesis of its woes is the first step towards establishing the cure.

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7 years ago

A well-argued, concise piece of writing…thanks. This is the high standard of journalism NT should maintain. If only the government read it too!

7 years ago

Amene ali ndi makutu amve

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