Graft busting body, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested former Homeland Security Minister Cecelia Chazama and former Director-General of Immigration and Citizenship Services over alleged illegal recruitment of immigration assistants.
Former Minister Chazama: Arrested
ACB spokesperson Egritta Ndala saif the bureau has also arrested other top Immigration Department officials over abuse of office.
The development follows the discovery by the bureau that the department had recruited 127 persons as Immigration Assistants who did not have the necessary qualifications.
Other former top wigs of the department arrested include; Limbani Chawinga, Pudensiana Makalamba, Chandiwira Chidothe and former Principal Secretary for the Department of Human Resources Management and Development, Hilario Chimota.
Ndala said the arrest follows an investigation by the bureau after it received a complaint.
The recruitment, according to Ndala, was done before 30th April 2018 when it received the complaint.
boma ili likithetsa mucitidwe wa u kadeti wozolowera kukolola posalima. ana a pitala munthalika anyapapi
nafundo zalo
2 years ago
ma bwanawa plus 127 alandidwe katundu wao cifukwa amupeza mwacinyengo. atibera misonkho yathu. anthu akuvutika mu midzimu kusowa pogwila pomwe anthu ena akuba in the name yolembedwa ncito mwacinyengo.
nafundo zalo
2 years ago
ku immogration kumeneko. cemwali a joice banda kodi. mavuvu matama ali mmenemu maiwa. nde kunali mwanamveka anapatsa kalata yoti noel nakoma walembedwa ncito ku MRA pomwe noel yo olo interview sanapangeko. iye yake inali yopopa petrol 500 litres pa tsiku zaulele. ben phili analembaso brother wake yemwe staff ku dept ya … anangouzidwa kuti akoze office kukubwera new staff. nde ankasowetsa ntendere nzika za mu office mo koma ncito osaigwila nkomwe .just like ben phili amayabwila anthu. mwacisomo uyu anafa pa ngozi ya galimoto.DPP MA KADET ANA A DAD AMENEWA. Mbuyao angosuzumila ngati cimbalame ca mu mphako. akwidzingeni amenewaaaaa. 127… Read more »
Africa’s leading financial services provider, Mukuru has unveiled new sponsorship deals, that includes a shirt sleeve sponsorship of English Premier...
boma ili likithetsa mucitidwe wa u kadeti wozolowera kukolola posalima. ana a pitala munthalika anyapapi
ma bwanawa plus 127 alandidwe katundu wao cifukwa amupeza mwacinyengo. atibera misonkho yathu. anthu akuvutika mu midzimu kusowa pogwila pomwe anthu ena akuba in the name yolembedwa ncito mwacinyengo.
ku immogration kumeneko. cemwali a joice banda kodi. mavuvu matama ali mmenemu maiwa. nde kunali mwanamveka anapatsa kalata yoti noel nakoma walembedwa ncito ku MRA pomwe noel yo olo interview sanapangeko. iye yake inali yopopa petrol 500 litres pa tsiku zaulele. ben phili analembaso brother wake yemwe staff ku dept ya … anangouzidwa kuti akoze office kukubwera new staff. nde ankasowetsa ntendere nzika za mu office mo koma ncito osaigwila nkomwe .just like ben phili amayabwila anthu. mwacisomo uyu anafa pa ngozi ya galimoto.DPP MA KADET ANA A DAD AMENEWA. Mbuyao angosuzumila ngati cimbalame ca mu mphako. akwidzingeni amenewaaaaa. 127… Read more »
Muwamange kumene anthu amenewa anatisiya Ife Kuti alembe unqualified persons. Zomvetsa chisoni. Amapangitsa interviews atalemba kale abale awo.kutivutitsa kuthamanga Ife. Kwatsala kupolice
Kodi Ku MDF kuja bwanji ana onse Aku line amalembedwa without proper channel?