Activist says Malawi education budget cut is senseless
A renowned activist on education issues has described as senseless government decision to cut public education budget by K500 million, arguing some schools are using one text book for a whole class.

Benedicto Kondowe was reacting to government cut of the ministry of Education because the ministry will not need the financial resources from now until June 2017.
“Some schools are using one text for the whole class, government is failing to employ 90000 more teachers because of money, the government is failing to upgrade community day secondary schools to teach science subjects,” said Kondowe.
He said Malawians should not sit back and watch as their government is making senseless decisions but should instead condone and hold the government account for its decision.
Opposition members of parliament vehemently rejected the government decision to cut the budget but they were defeated in a vote and the reduced budget passed.
The government instead increased budgetary allocations to State Residences, the official home of President Peter Mutharika and the Office of the President and Cabinet, the official office of Mutharika.
Opposition legislators however are questioning the increases and the two votes have since been deferred to a later date for debate.
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We r paying 4 our impulsive decision made in 2014. this shuld atleast serve as a lesson to all Malawians. SORRY.
Unexermined government is not worthy living; it must die bt 2019!!
Mutu umodzi suzenza denga koma apa nde wakwanitsa kusenza nyumba yonse.
akudziwa bwino kuti kuthyolo ndi kumulanje kuli mbuli zambili . Zimathyola tea mmaestate.sukulu alibe nayo ntchito koma ku kwatiwa ali ana. Kumangochi ndiye ntchito ndiku nyanja kupha bonya.azamuvoterabe. Paja ndi amisala amavotera chimanga chojambula. Minister nso wa mastep. .mikanda yake kudukira pa assembly. Wophoda ngati gule wankulu.anduna azamaphunzironso anaphunzira ku MCC mpaka udotolo wa LAL. Lab saidziwa. Amenewa angachite contribute chani anzanga? Kodi aja amaonjezera sc fees aja ndi ati paja? Boma la nduna ndi ma mp amisala. Kodi ps tafotokoza bwino . Mukalata yako ya fee hike ija umati chani? So you wanted poor malawians to fund govt thru… Read more »
This is stupidity of the highest order. Do these rats or what shud i call them? …thieves masquerading as MPs have brains???