Anglican Church’s Mothers Union celebrates 100 years of existence in Malawi
The Mothers Union Guild of the Anglican Church has celebrated 100 years of existence in Malawi.
The activities to mark the celebrations were held under the theme: Living a Life Worthy of the Calling you have Received”, which was drawn from Ephesians 4:1.
The guild was founded in 1876 in England with Queen Elizabeth as a patron, but was introduced in Malawi by missionary ladies who came to spread good news in 1920.

Malawi MU President Gloriah Chikhola said the missionary women, who at that time were working in hospitals, schools and public offices, were touched by the problems, which women and children were facing in Malawi due to poverty.
“They introduced lessons on child management, home management and health care those days in few areas,” she said.
She said the guild is now operating in all the four dioceses of Lake Malawi, Upper Shire, Southern Malawi and Northern Malawi and is affiliated to the Provincial Office made up of Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
She further said the guild is advancing and promoting the full participation of women in society by reaching out to vulnerable women and girls and empowering them in various fields of potential to become self reliant so that they make positive contribution to the development agenda.

She said, the guild promotes and supports marriages in adversities, protection of child, maintains a world wide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service.
Currently, she said, the guild members are involved in various activities like opharns care, farming, real estate, perma-culture, tailoring and literacy programs across the country.
World Day of Prayer (WDP) National Chairperson, Esther Grant commended the Anglican Mothers union for their contribution to the development of the country.
“We are impressed with the achievements they have done during these 100 years,” she said.
She said women are among the marginalized group which need to be empowered both physically and spiritually.
MU organizing Chairperson, Charity Mseka said the celebrations were marked by the showcasing of MU products and services, unveiling of MU amended constitution and a hand book for St. Agnes.
St. Agnes is a group of little girls that are under the oversight of the MU in the church to nurture them.
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Wow great work of ministry. Women participation in development.