Archbishop Kambalazaza says ‘respect God’s will and enjoy marriage life’
The Charismatic Redeemed Ministries International (CRMI) has urged on Christian families to stick to God’s principles of marriage for a successful living in these end times.

Archbishop Dr Mark Kambalazaza, made the call when the church conducted a marriage seminar at the CRMI headquarters in Ndirande, Blantyre, under the theme ‘Defending End time Biblical Marriage’.
Kambalazaza said it was sad that there is a lot of opposition to the Godly set institution of marriage as the world tries to embrace equality between men and women.
He pointed out that God never created man and woman equal as far as the headship of the family is concerned.
“If we want to enjoy marriage, let’s follow the guiding principles of God as laid out in the Bible. We should not try to correct God’s will on marriage by claiming to be advancing issues of gender equality. God is all wise and is pleased with the status quo where man is the head,” said the Charismatic leader.
He said even Sara submitted herself to Abraham and called him lord.
Kambalazaza also cautioned men not to fall into the temptation of abusing their headship citing 1 Peter 3 vs 5-7 in which God is calling upon men to respect their wives in reciprocal of women’s submission to them.
Participants at the workshop were happy, describing it as timely as they have been equipped with the armory to defend their marriages at the time when the Christian families are faced with a lot of teaching on marriages that is not drawn from the bible.
Similar seminars are expected to be conducted across CRMI churches as the word of God declares on Proverbs 18 vs 15 that an intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
this is true. and am blessed.
Man of God you are blessing and I know the way you articulate spiritual issues its great. Keep it up. Please organise more such seminars. How I wish I could be there. God bless ndi zosowa zimenezi
It is wrong reading of the Bible man is head of wife and not family. There is no way we can talk of equality we need to talk of the quality of relationship between husband’s and wives
let truth be told. we don’t claim to be wiser than our creator, do we? these gender equality strifes are simply the devil’s tactics to lure us humans into rebelling against our creator. wakumva wamva. ‘the wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears her’s down (poverbs 14:1). well said indeed on part of men, respect, respect, respect.
Many marriages are breaking here in Chitipa especially Misuku area where am staying. Could u please conduct one such marriage seminar here as well to assist them. Women are in trouble I tell u. Polygamy, idol worshiping, acenstral beliefs, witchcraft and many more is common. Indeed in lacking knowledge people are suffering.
Blessed Man of God, I admire your teachings.
That’s good indeed. Put it up
HA HA HA, I thought i would see a lot of comments on this. People don’t enjoy the wisdom of God. Keep it up man of God, the world needs the word.How many of us christians realise that on that great day of our wedding in whichever Church we were in, we entered into a marriage Convenant with God, the God who hates devorce. Our marriage certificates are kept somewhere in Heaven by God, in as much as we have them hanged in our houses. Check on your certificates there is no expiry date. Let us indeed as christians desist… Read more »
Heavenly wisdom is not common. Only a few can fathom the deep secrets. Bless you Archbishop.