Asian businessman oils bicycle overload man with donation of tricycle, opts for anonymity

Malawian businessman of Asian origin  in Lilongwe has asked to remain anonymous for his donation of a brand-new tricycle which he has bought and given  to Nsanje-based Mabvuto Mussa became a social media sensation after his arrest for carrying nine kindergarten children on a bicycle to school.

Kampanikiza (R) presents tricycle keys to Nsanje man Mussa

Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) reported that Mussa was arrested for “dangerously” ferrying nine pupils on his bicycle to a nursery school.

Pictures of him handcuffed in the back of a police van with his bicycle next to him went viral. Another picture of him riding a bicycle with nine children packed on it also flooded social media.

He was later released and warned to report at Chilomo Police Post on October 26 along with the parents of the pupils and the school committee for advice.

Respondents on social media called on the police to compensate him for loss of income after he was released, while others said the incident was a wake-up call for the government to realise that public transport was seriously needed.

Mussa was also showered with praise on social media platforms, with users stating he was a “hero” to the children.

Some people led by  Gerald Kampanikiza of  GCK Cameras Facebook page  mobilised  resources to buy him the tricycle and ease transport challenges in his community.

Upon learning about the story,  Malawian businessman of Asian origin decided to buy the K3 million-worth tricycle and donate to Mussa, to help him transport the children to and from school faster in a safe way.

But the businessperson who Nyasa Times has shielded  his details after he opted not to be named, said his donation was “an act of charity.”

He told Nyasa Times: “The spirit of this giving is not for publicity. It’s an act of charity.”

The businessman, who had just donated  facemasks to some schools in Lilongwe rural, also refused to have his donation publicised.

Kampanikiza handed over  the tricycle to Mussa at Gateway Mall in Lilongwe on Tuesday as the businessman also hired a vehicle to ferry Mussa and his new mode of transport back to Nsanje.

Mussa, the father of two,  was squealing with excitement after  receiving his tricycle.

“God blesses  this  Asian businessman for his generosity. I have been transporting children  on my bicycle  for three years  getting K3 000 for the roundtrip for every child from Sorjin, Nyambesa   and Njobvu villages  to St Joseph Nursery School [about eight kilometres away],” said Mussa.

He said “ “In my absence, some of the children have not been going to school due to lack of transports.”

Mussa claims he has never been involved in an accident  since 2017.

On his part,  Kampanikiza said: ”  Initially, we wanted to buy a motorcycle for him, but a sponsor suggested we buy a tricycle instead. We invited Mussa to Lilongwe and the sponsor bought him this tricycle.”

Mussa looks after his elderly relatives in the village, his family as well some orphans.

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Sayikoloni Ludzi
Sayikoloni Ludzi
4 years ago

I don’t know whether this donation is to benefit the culprit (overload bicycle operator) or innocent passenger kids? If the tricycle is meant for the kids I am sure the parents can not afford it unless the driver will be overloading it again. If it is meant to help the cyclist then again it has missed the target because it will take him a minimum of 1 year to obtain a B1 (P) driving licence if at all it is issued in Malawi so how will he survive?

4 years ago

Ndiye ena nkumati, “Amwenye blah blah blah! Amwenye blah blah blah!

May God bless this Asian man abundantly.

4 years ago

Anakagwetsa ana onsewo pansi pa truck bwenzi tikukamba nkhani yina apa. This is a simple slcasenof rewarding a wrong practise. What’s next we assist the rapist to get a wife. Poti wavutika

4 years ago

Well done
now such people are recognized

4 years ago

I very much doubt if the dude was ferrying the kids in the spirit of a Good Samaritan. He was simply having a thrill. Having nine little kids on a single bicycle is an extremely reckless act which would have endangered the lives of the kids. Let’s not be carried away by the donation. Let’s not lose sight of the big picture of what happened here. This man should be thrown into the cooler for a few months to learn how to behave. Ase! Uchindere!

4 years ago
Reply to  Ngombwax

How can u specify or know what was his motive

It may be true also
Dont judge a book from its cover

Looks like your are another tb joshua or bushiri

But people are jealous

4 years ago
Reply to  Ngombwax

C’mon, Gombwax.

I didn’t expect that sorta comment from you. Why paint members of a particular grouping of people with the same brush? By the same token, it seems you accept it when white people regard all Africans as lazy?

No, we ain’t all lazy. And no, not all Asians are crooks. Not all Lhomwes eat snakes. Not all Senas are endowed abundantly downstairs. Not all Yaos eat gondolosi. Not all Tongas dress smartly. Not all white people know how to read and write… Not all… etc etc etc. In short, do not stereotype people

4 years ago

Chisale (a Malawian, uneducated thief) store MK 5 billion of Tax payers money and bought himself the world. This anonymous Asian hardworking soul decides to take out MK 3 million of his hard earned money to buy this Gift to a Malawian. Chisale must be hanged and Kampanikiza don’t ever associate with that Chisale thug

4 years ago
Reply to  iyamw

malawi/ w Malawi will for ever remaiin colonised with such kind of reasoning

4 years ago

May god bless you. Let us support our country’s poor and needy

4 years ago

A kind gesture that should be noted and praised! Yes GCK was the catalyst who started this fund but in the end it was two generous human beings(GCK and the Unnamed business person) who should deserve credit and blessings. Let’s not make this a race issue nor political but rather let this be a foundation stone for future donations where all of us can actually work together to make this country a better place for everyone.

Last edited 4 years ago by Whiplash
4 years ago
Reply to  Whiplash

African will forever remain colonised with such kind of reasoning and short sitednes. We dont do lgical reasoning. The same people will take your resources and milk you billions hen take a little of hat amount and give you back. This is a trick that Malawians will never understand. This is how africa remain colonised. Simple minded negros. Sad

4 years ago
Reply to  Zoona

Do you have evidence that this donation is evil.The Asian businessman knew that there are out there evil minds hence opted to be anonymous.God continue blessing this anonymous Business person of Asian origin to continue doing good to mankind.

4 years ago
Reply to  Zoona

. “we don’t do logical reasoning” could you please change that statement to “I” instead of “we” because you don’t represent all of us. It should rather be said “I don’t do logical reasoning”. We now live in a globalised world where everyone and everything is connected and yes it’s a fact that nobody will give anything for free without return but to have pessimistic and negative attitude towards one kind of race only concludes one thing… Racism! The fact that you have said “the same people” also concludes that you don’t think logically as you just label everyone with… Read more »

Wilson Nkwanda
Wilson Nkwanda
4 years ago
Reply to  Whiplash

I think Malawi is full of good people. This is what God, the Creator of the universe demands us to do with our fellow humans. The good part of the story is “do not publicize the donation” akanakhala wina akanapita ku ma Media Houses angapo n’kukatenga atolankhani, then in every TV, radio, newspaper, such story could flood just for praises. Please let’s assist others but don’t let your left-hand know it. Donate silently and keep quiet. God knows what you have done for others. This is the teaching of the prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ, our salvation pillar

4 years ago

God bless the hand that giveth. Many of us were busy condemning someone who was trying to fill a gap but also earn a living.

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