Atupele Muluzi says will support President Chakwera’s development agenda

Former UDF president Atupele Muluzi, who until his resignation from active politics was touted as the smartest opposition leader, says his next move is to support the development agenda of President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera.

The young Mukuzi has picked a job as a Pan African business executive, a role he says would be key for him to help President Chakwera’s dreams.

In a face book post, Muluzi says his organization would immediately kick start a mini-industrial and economic revolution.

“Friends – I have left politics to transition into a Pan-African business executive.

Atupele Muluzi says will push the Chakwera agenda

“Together with global business partners we intend to immediately kick start a mini-industrial and economic revolution for the progress and development of Malawi,” he says.

He says he is open to ideas and new strategies, saying his goal is to develop Malawi.

Muluzi was regarded as one of the country’s smartest opposition politicians for offering President Dr Chakwera constructive criticism.

He has been replaced by Mangochi central MP Lilian Patel as interim party president.

Muluzi’s departure from UDF has put the future of its alliance with the DPP in doubt with observers predicting that for the UDF to survive it will likely abandon its relationship and join the government side.

The development further leaves the DPP in jeopardy following recent divisions within its ranks which have seen the party split into two camps-one led by Southern Region President Kondwani Nankhumwa and the other without a clear leader but supporting the come back in 2025 of former President Arthur Peter Muntharika.

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2 years ago

i know muluzi is to join mcp sooner or later couse it is only party in malawi that is strong

Antonio Piriminta
Antonio Piriminta
2 years ago

Yaaa! Dad’s case is back in court. Better do that young man.

Fletcher Palangani Banda
Fletcher Palangani Banda
2 years ago

This is the malawian’s politics, their eyes always look after money

Chris Mateyu
Chris Mateyu
2 years ago

UDF is finished, may be he smells a chance to rally with MCP. He is an opportunitist hence gone to business.kkk

David Chibaka
David Chibaka
2 years ago

To support Chakwera’s dreams???,…….I hope Chakwera will not end up hiring you to “help” him in his deams

Robert Kwawawe
Robert Kwawawe
2 years ago

Smartest politician? My foot! He’s number one beneficiary of his dad’s grand thievery from the state coffers. That Malawi is reeling from this unspectacular backwardness largely the legacy of Mr Muluzi Sr?

2 years ago

Things Fall Apart

2 years ago

Hahahaha.. Let him do what he can afford.. He was not born a politician.

2 years ago

Smartest Opposition politician in what sense he lost a whole constituency then a party leader outside the parliament the reporter was given a bun for this write-up. A total madness

Lawrence Chafuwa
Lawrence Chafuwa
2 years ago

No comment angandimange

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