Blue Eagles players cry foul over unpaid allowances
Blue Eagles players have cried foul over their unpaid allowances for finishing fourth in the 2014 TNM Super League soccer season.

The players confided with Nyasa Times that apart from being paid their allowances, the club owe them money accumulated from 2012 season.
One player, who opted for anonymity said the club owe the players money close to K500, 000.
“Football will never develop in this country if players are mistreated like this. We are yet to receive our bonus for finishing the League on number four and this is painful,” said the player.
However, Blue Eagles official Gabriel Chirwa said the delay was due to some logistic problems.
Chirwa said the club received the cheque for finishing fourth late and that the person who was responsible to sign it was transferred to Blantyre.
“Everything has been finalised and soon and possibly this week they will receive their money,” he said.
But Chirwa said he is not aware on the money from 2012 because he was not in office by then.
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the issue is not belong to chipuwa,but to blue eagle’s player and their official.Heee but manoma shame on u
Go Chipuwa go
Futbo yakumalawi nyasi zokhazokha,thanx Sankhani wachita makola kuleka tem yambula nkhalo lukforward 4 ur future,dei is no future in Bullets wish u well in Wandererz.
Logistics problems!! Eeh what does it mean or Blue Eagles is headquartered in Heaven
Club yanu a Chipuwa ngongole ndima Players mpakana za 2012 chosecho aChipuwa akuti akuchoka ku Noma ulendo ku Blue Eagles kungopitila kukathyola ma Bank basi, unyamuke ndisanvenso kuti uliku Beforwad Nyerere, dzipitani ku Blue Eagles ndikamnkazi kanu kanyawani kwainuko!!!!.
kabeni muwalipire ma player
just to sign de cheque and bt Is nt over seas Jst go and fetch hIm an Injury to one Is an Injury to all this cops worked so hard they deserve the justIce akadakhala kutI wosaIniya ndi wakuba bwenzi mutapita kale kukamufufuza
So kumeneku mkomwe mukuti kupite Chipuwa? Azikazunzika chomchi? Ayi ndithu, Chipuwa should remain at Wanderors up until a foreign club will need him. This is not ok?
Logistic problem, inu mukudya? Apatseni ndalama osewera.
A Chipuwa Dzimvele mtolo ,ndiye mukuti mukufuna kukalowa Blue Eagles