CCAP refuses to officiate wedding of Malawi Prison chief: Mist over divorce with Mcheka Chilenje
CCAP Blantyre Synod has refused to officiate a wedding of chief commissioner of prisons Kennedy Nkhoma with a new fiancé on accusation that he did not divorce her wife, deputy speaker of parliament Esther Mcheka Chilenje Nkhoma.
Nkhoma was previously married to Mcheka Chilenje but the high profile marriage did not last due to what sources described as bad blood between the wife and her step children.
The Prison chief lodged at St James CCAP Church in Blantyre for marriage officiating ceremony but the church could not proceed, saying it does not promote bigamy.

Nkhoma submitted to the church a Marriage Divorce Certificate (MDC) Number 108 of 2012 as requirement for the church to start announcing the wedding.
Nyasa Times understands that African customary law marriages act states that marriage can only be dissolved when two parties have been heard but apparently Mcheka Chilenje feigns ignorance of the divorce proceedings.
Investigations indicates that on 4 February, 2014, the lawyer for Mcheka Chilenje wrote the Blantyre Principle Resident Magistrate Innocent Nebo informing him that lawyer ( Wapona Kita) would not be available for the case which was scheduled for 6th February 2014 because he was attending another high profile case at the High Court .
The lawyer requested that the “the matter be adjourned to the later date that would be agreed by all the parties.”
Mcheka Chilenje insists that she ever attended any divorce case from any conventional court.
Nkhoma and his legal team however proceeded to obtain the divorce certificate in the absence of the other party which is against rules and procedures of natural justice.
Chilenje expressed ignorance that her husband is having a Marriage Divorce Certificate as she never appeared at any court for divorce proceedings with Kennedy Nkhoma.
“The issue of marriage has never been resolved before any forum, not even before Ankhoswe let alone the church which blessed our marriage, to me that’s news, am just hearing it from you,” she told Nyasa Times.
When put forward to her that the certificate has been presented at St James CCAP as evidence that she is no longer in marriage with her, Mcheka Chilenje said: “Please I have already told you I am not aware of that.”
When Nyasa Times asked Nkhoma how he obtained a divorce certificate in absence of his wife, he said: “I am not a lawyer to explain all legal finer details.”
Session Clerk at St James church of Blantyre Synod, Mike Uko confirmed that the Church is not officiating the wedding as requested by Nkhoma.
Sources within the church alleges that the church raised its eyebrows regarding t the manner and reasons Nkhoma transferred the wedding ceremony from Zomba CCAP where he is based and why he preferred to officiate the wedding at Blantyre St James CCAP Church.
Reverend Mmangisa of Zomba CCAP, in an interview confirmed Kennedy Nkhoma is still a member of Zomba CCAP but denied having given transfer letter to him to wed at St James CCAP.
In 2007 Nkhoma and Esther Mcheka Chilenje tied a knot in what was billed as wedding of the year which was attended by the former president late Bingu wa Mutharika.
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I agree totally with no 91 ….another analysis is that the so called new woman of the failed wedding must be a prostitude which in Chichewa is HULE .Looking at the Trent and behavior of Kennedy if the woman was straight she would not have continued with her relationship with Kennedy realizing that whatever Kennedy is doing to Esther today,Tomorrow it will be her turn.If Kennedycan Manage to toucher and be cruel to a high profiled woman like Esther what can stop him to do the same to a mare woman of no tittle???? Mahule amayesa ngati achenjera akamanamizana Kuti… Read more »
If you analyze the whole story here you will find out that its focusing on three parameters here the the church the man and the woman, 1. The church refused Kennedy to mary another woman because he is still married to Esther . 2. Kennedy claims Esther is not good for him and he wants another one . 3. Esther has been saved by the church to venture into the Mitala trend behind her back there by she want a proper divorce. Please tell me what is difficult here? You all know the church won’t allow Mitala to happen because… Read more »
Iwe 89 ndiwe mbuzi kwabwasi u think if Esther would want to live with Kennedy wouldn’t do that,,,, the issue here is not weather he will marry traditionally or not,,, untie the knot first from Esther then go ahead with his womanizing character,, that’s why the church found it wrong to go ahead with zauchimozo they found a fault in it,,,, poor you 89 thinking like mkhumba who just focus zakutsogolo and not thinking of where you r coming from,,, Esther is Good I tell you you cannot even compare her with you because the way you r Analysing her… Read more »
iwe ncheka usatinyasepo apa you think kennedy olo atati asapange ukwati with his new found love angabwelele kwa iwe? you are too full of yourself. yes this kennedy has his own short falls but nawe umafuna azikupanga worship ndiwe kamulungu ka ku Nsanje kapena? iwetu usova ife ukwati timanga olo traditional tikavina nawo. *patseni khazibeti chill ndimwe*
Nkhani ya ana? Esther kuzunza ana?? Am I looking at the KN that the MG has entrusted to reform even hard core prisoners in Malawi? And he failed to resolve this petty household issue?? Questionable integrity KN! and went publicly to announce such reasons for damping wife? Questionable agenda KN!!! Dubious divorce certificate? Questionable act KN!! QUESTION!!! Now if Esther can look after adopted children, all the children in her constituency (as MP), in Malawi (a FDS) how can she fail to look after 3 children of her beloved, legitimate husband KN? Who doesn’t know that KN damped Esther because… Read more »
Osapanga jelous. Mayiyu ngokongola. Bamboyu ndi hule. Kodi mkazi akalekedwa ndi mwamuna oyendayenda ndiye kuti mayiyo asakwatiwe kuopa muziwerengera amuna omwe wakwatiwa nawo? Mwamunayo anali nazo zibwenzi ali pabanja. Nanga titi banja kutha iye wapeza kale omanga nalo banja pompopompo?
Mmadziwa kale adzima i ozindikira apakoleji. Let her exercise her rights and freedom.
Chalaka bakha nkhuku Singatole . Mwa ncheka a chakwamba analephera ndeno a Kennedy .
Ena you are just comenting ignorantly. Kenedy ndiovuta kwambiri. Even Ku ntchito and is a big crook, lier, and he potrays to know everything. He is a lawyer, pastor, oipamba nyimbo, mfumu, judge, doctor, odziwa chilichonse, ophunzira kwambiri, yekha ndi Captain waku army, osilira chili chonse including akazi a ma juniors ake. He is everything. Pa zinthu zomwe amanena 95% limakhala bodza and 5% zoona. Boma likanafufunza kuti alibe mlandu wa forgery apa? Marriage Divorce certificate of year 2012. Booking milandu ku khoti 2014!!!!! Eeeeeh, anzathu zimatero? Munthu odziwa malamulo komanso oyenera kupangaupheldalibusy kulakwitsanso gravely? Sipofunika 14 years apa IHL?
Langa ndi funso: Mukuti Esther ndiopemphera ndipo owopa Mulungu ndipo si hule: Zinatheka bwanji munthu opemhera zoona nkukakwatiwa ndi hule la mgonagona Kennedy? Mulungu wake uti angakupase Nkhoma as husband ngati ndiwe opemphera? Ife timamuziwa Nkhoma, anayamba kalekale kuyendayenda asanakwatire even Esther enanu may be you dont know? Secodnquestion: Esther anakumana naye kuti Kennedy kuti afunsirane? Definitely malo olakwika komwe anali Esther’yo kokasaka amuna, definitely not in church!!! Why did Nkhoma not marry from his own tribe with all those beautiful women with manners? Yankho: Nkhoma likes easy women, just put it he likes Mahule. Esther knows this herself after… Read more »