Chakwera picks Msowoya as runningmate: MCP ticket
Malawi Congress Party (MCP) presidential candidate Dr Lazarus Chakwera has settled for the youthful Richard Msowoya—a former Cabinet minister in the Bingu wa Mutharika government— to be his running mate in the May 20 elections.
Chakwera, a pastor throughout his adult life, has picked Msowoya according to MCP hierarchy where Msowoya is his elected vice president.
Msowoya, a wealthy businessman from northern border district of Karonga, has been described by MCP stawalts as a “phenomenal choice.”

President of MCP political wing at Chancellor College, Kambani Banda said, at this moment, Malawi needs leaders who would focus on building the country not fighting political battles.
He called upon Malawians to Chakwera and Msowoya ticket, saying they have because of his clean record.