Child maintenance cases swarm Mzuzu Court
Mzuzu Child Justice Court has recorded 129 child maintenance cases in four months, a development the court says is pathetic as many parents especially men are abandoning their children.

Child Magistrate Chikumbutso Kachipande said divorce and separation are major contributing factors to the sufferings of many children in the country.
“Many marriages are breaking up on daily basis due to unfaithfulness of partners resulting to abandonment of children.
“It is pathetic that these cases are very high in Mzuzu. Just imagine in the period of four months, from April to July, we have already registered 129 cases. What about those not yet reported?” she said.
Kachipande said although the number has decreased from 159 cases recorded last year during the same period, there is need for partners to be serious with their marriages.
She said many parents, especially men, abandon their children once they find another woman and this affects children in many ways.
“Parents should be responsible and take care of their children whether they are on separation, divorced or in marriage.
“Whatever happens between a husband and wife should not affect the welfare of children,” she said.
District Social Welfare Officer responsible for Mzimba north Edward Chisanga said his officers will soon follow up on the cases saying many people default giving support to their children as ordered by the courts.
“It’s an offence to dump, neglect or fail to support your own children. Whoever will be found doing that, the law will take its course,” Chisanga said
What kind of no-good, low-life bum does not embrace with enthusiasm his responsibilities for the lives he has co-created? Deadbeat Dads are the scum of the Earth and deserve the contempt of all decent people. I am acquainted with three such worthless slime-balls: 1. When the marriage of the first one broke-up due to his belief that all real men must exercise their right to promiscuous adultery, he expressed the hope that the child resulting from the marriage would be a constant burden to his ex-wife. Thereafter, his support for his son amounted to exactly MK50. 2. The wife of… Read more »
Atumbuka kukonda kuzwinga maningi
A Innocent, please do not reduce this issue to Atumbuka. the problem is real, if you get figures from Lilongwe or Blantyre on the same , you will collapse. Ngati nanunso mukupanga choncho, remember the law will catch up with you soon