Chilima demands arrest of police officers over Buleya Lule murder: Justice for Njauju, Chasowa
UTM Party president Saulos Chilima has told the State to immediately arrest police officers who killed Buleya Lule, a suspect in the abduction of a boy with albinism, in police custody during interrogation.
He has also challenged the government to investigate the murder of graft busting body, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), top official Isa Njauju, four years ago as well as Polytechnic student Robert Chasowa seven years ago.
“The police officers who killed Buleya Lule must be held accountable. They should be arrested and face trial. We cannot allow this extra judicial killings,” said Chilima.
Chilima was speaking in Neno on Wednesday during a highly patronized UTM rally.
The State vice-president said justice on the murder of Lule in police custody can only be achieved if the police officers involved face the long arm of the law.
Lule,39, was arrested over the abduction of 12-year-old Goodson Makanjira in Dedza.
An autopsy report by Dr. Charles Dzamalala and two other South African doctors show that Lule died after prolonged police torture before he was electrocuted.
This is in contrast to an earlier autopsy commissioned by Malawi Police Service (MPS) which claimed Lule had died of natural causes.
Police spokesperson James Kadadzera refused to comment on the matter, saying the police are yet to be served with the autopsy report although they have seen it in social media platforms.
The Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (Apam) has salso demanded immediate action from the Police Inspector General Rodney Jose, failing which they will take to the streets on April 30.
In the seven-page autopsy report, Dzamalala states that the results show a “microscopically proven electrocution wound over abdomen”, and that the deceased was also assaulted.
Reads the report in part: “While electrocution is the primary cause of death in this instance, it was abundantly clear that the deceased was also assaulted with different types of implements, including but not limited to a cylindrical object inflicting trauma to the head and probably also a hot iron or similar object placed on a cloth over the skin rather than directly onto the skin around the left buttock.”
Apam president Overstone Kondowe said the autoposy report confirms their fears on the existence of an invisible hand in cases involving people with albinism (PWAs).
He said: “This was a third death of a suspect and we wondered why human rights bodies and government were quiet on these suspicious deaths. So we are saying, let the IG act on the report within 10 days.”
Two others, Donald Msafiri—a suspect in the abduction of 18-month-old Eunice Nkhonjera, a PWA in Karonga and Joseph Andiwotchi, a suspect in the abduction of Ibra Pilo, a two-year-old PWA in Machinga, mysteriously committed suicide.
At the UTM rally, Chilima also wondered why the police were failing to investigate the deaths of Njauju and Chasowa, saying this smacks something fishy.
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Chilima , what do you mean government should investigate. By the laws of Malawi , you are still part of government. You have security all over and you have a siren going own when going out to your campaign. No man can drive in Malawi with a siren accompanied by security forces unless he is of higher authority like you. Ministers have one police officer , but you, you have so many. You are part of government. And what is funny is that you have been Vp the nation has never heard you speak of Njaunju or Chasowa, you have… Read more »
Saulosi you VP and still VP when Njaunju and Chasowa missed in the hands of your PAtron Masangwi. Ask him to resign from your party if you are true and democratic leader. Zobwebweta ngati Mwanazo ndiye ife ai. Why did you welcome Noel Masangwi and Ngalande in your party? Lero ukukamba za Njaunju and yet you know it was Noel Masangwi and Ngalande. What about Chasowa? These two guys of yours know something. Fire them ndiiye ife tikukhulupilira. Uyu Lule anachita bwino kumutchaya a Polisi mu cell chifukwa zikupweteka kumamva kuti anthu akumazunza anthu a Chi Alubino. In my view… Read more »
Chilima is asking the police to act on the Chasowa case and whether a UTM member is involved or not is immaterial. He wants the police to arrest everyone involved, regardless of the party the suspect belongs to. Chilima is for justice.
Komatu omvetsa chisoni ndi anthu amene amatsatira Chilima yu! Nanga Njauju ndi Chasowa aphedwa lero?? Kapena tinene kuti Chilimayu wadziwa lero zimenezi? With this blind loyalty and hero-worshipping adzikupusitsanidi Chilimayu makape
IF indeed Masangwi and Ngalande are involved then SKC is showing us that he will really fight crime mercilessly without covering up for any one.
Wrong is wrong and right is doesn’t matter who.
HON CHILIMA. this chasowa case also involves one of your highly ranked officials in UTM-MASANGWI while he was in DPP
apapa we can easly say DPP/UTM you better shat up on this one
What you are saying is rumours, thats why Chilima is showing leadership and saying investigate and arrest whoever is responsible. If Masangwi is the one who killed Chasowa, why is he not sitting in a police cell. DPP even arrests Winiko for singing a song, you mean they couldn’t arrest Masangwi if they could?
Wake up Malawi!
Please understand the tone it is about everyone who was involved not wheere he/she is now please. If he is with him so what? thie is the altitude that poisons Malawi zokuti poti ndili nayo koma analakwa ayenera apite basi. It does not mean he s not innocent because he is working with him NO
awuzeni bwanawa mwina ayiwala
Normally, Police Officers work under instructions from their bosses. Most likely, Police bosses get instructions from their masters.
There are more questions than answers here.
ukananena kuti ayambe kumanga mr masagwe,mr ngalande pomupha Robert Chasowa ndikanati ndiiwe wamzuru
No investigation? koma ku Malawi abale, anthu amangokhulupilila zilizonse.
Nanga bwanji iwe BigMan umatukwana nthawi ya nkhani za a chi alubino ija apolisi akati akufuna afufuze kaye? OOh tsono investigation ndiyofunika panopa chifukwa chooti akutchulidwawo ndi a mchipani chako?
Ya Robert Chasowa, I feel sorry for UTM. The Chasowa Report implicated one of the key founders of UTM while he was in DPP back then. I love UTM, and this guy is representing one of the constituencies in Zomba where I also come from. Then I said ” Look I have the president to vote for, but on MP, Iam really numb on this. Iam planning not to vote for an MP because UTM (my party) did not feature the right candidate for us in Zomba. I will vote for the presidency and the Coucillor while on MP, Iam… Read more »
Za Chasowa afunseni a Masangwi. Mulandu wawo anawombokera DPP kulowa muboma.
PP and DPP would just leave Masangwi if he was guilty?? come on people, lets get serious.
i think it’s too late for Chilima to voice his concern now where has he been all this long? sometime last year civil rights groups wanted to present a petition to the Opc regarding the same. He refused to receive it when the Head of state was away. More importantly the Commission of inquiry report instituted by JB when she was The Head of our republic mentioned some of now UTM senior officials being behind some of these killings. so he better shut his mouth otherwise his hands are not clean
Zoona masangwi,bangwe1 ,topwa1_ akuziwapo Kathy vuto utm / DPP ndi amodzi povuta kuti chilungamo chizaoneke poti mkulu was police naye akukhuzidwaso eeeeeee