COMESA summit opens, JB attends in Kinshasa
Malawian President Joyce Banda is in the Democatric Republic Congo capital Kinshasa, for the 17th summit of the COMESA and joins other heads of state and governments to discuss issues affecting the continent’s development.
The summit opened on Wednesday morning is being held under the theme, “Consolidating Intra-Comesa Trade and Through Micro-Small and Medium Enterprise Development”.
The meeting is expected to deliberate the status of implementation of the COMESA Free Trade Area, progress on the Implementation of the COMESA Customs Union and COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Agenda.
Other issues expected to dominate the agenda include; peace and security, infrastructure programmes, agriculture and the environment.
It has attracted heads of State from 19 COMESA member states.

The summit is the Supreme organ of the regional organization upon which major policy decisions are made and is responsible for the general policy direction and control of the performance of the executive functions of COMESA.
COMESA summits are held annually in various member States and usually, the country hosting the Summit assumes the chairmanship of the Authority for the year.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni who took chairmanship in November 2012, would hand over the position to Congo DR President Joseph Kabila at the close of this summit.