Councils snub Malawi government auditors
Government has expressed great dismay that some councils are not cooperating with auditors sent to audit their books following revelation last year that 20 members of parliament in collaboration with some council officials abused constituency development fund.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance Davis Sado said although the auditing process is facing some hurdles, a report on the audit would be released soon.
“In most councils, we finished the auditing and gave the audit report to the councils but they are yet to respond as they are required by law but very soon we will make the report available to the National Audit Office,” said Sado.
He said the process of auditing 18 last councils is progressing well.
“What we have found out is there is abuse of public resources in most councils. In some cases, officials flout procurement procedures as well as there are shoddy jobs on contracts, the projects are not well executed,” said Sado.
He could however not name the legislators named in the report, saying their names will be contained in the report which the National Audit Office will present to parliament.
The graft busting body, the Anti-Corruption Bureau has arrested some council officials on corruption charges in connection with council money and projects.
Sado could however not say when the audit report for all the councils would be made available to the tax-payer, saying it will be presented to parliament when it is ready.
Some parliamentarians, including the chairperson of the powerful Public finance watchdog, the Public Accounts Committee of parliament Alekeni Menyani has already said it is wrong to indict members of parliament on the issue, saying it is council officials who handle money.
The ACB has dragged Mzimba Hora MP Christopher Ngwira for allegedly withdrawing huge sums of money from the constituency development fund for personal use.