DPP is harming itself—Z . Allan Ntata
The DPP is being stupid and irresponsible. It has abdicated from providing oversight and it is helping the PP’s agenda of diverting the country’s attention from real issues.
In football, certain players are advised to deliberately play dirty with the motive of exploiting the weaknesses of some players in the opponent’s team.
It worked for Portugal when Ronaldo managed to have Rooney sent off during the Germany hosted World Cup by simply exploiting his short-fuse.

During the same tournament, Italy benefited from the strategy of exploiting the temperament of Zidane by using the provocative propensities of Materrazzi.
With the record of violence which is especially moulded around the July 20 deaths of people in the north, the DPP should have been acutely aware that it is a weakness that the opponent would exploit fully to its advantage.
What if it was PP’s strategy to provoke the DPP based on that record and knowing that the temperament of the party’s support at Goliati has always been volatile?
By reacting to whatever unfavourable sentiments that were expressed against its leadership, the DPP accepted to swallow the bait, sinker and line from the PP.
Through the Thyolo fracas, the PP has scored twice against the DPP. They have managed to use them to divert the attention of the nation away from Cashgate! Jetgate, and other pressing issues. They have also managed to soil the reformist agenda being pursued by Peter Mutharika, highlighted by the injection of the fresh breath of Saulos Chilima.
In the on-going oscillation of violence between the two parties, DPP is coming out with more bruises because, first, they face the difficulty of assuring the people that the reform is real and, second, they are fighting a party already in government that has demonstrated it is prepared to use such hook and crook methods to remain in office.