DPP, Zikhale exposed in propaganda against Kasambara, BJ
Former ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its campaign director Ken Zikhale Ng’oma have been exposed in their propaganda project with their cooked up story that firebrand politician Brown Mpinganjira and lawyer Ralph Kasambara are bitter with the appointment of Khumbo Kachali as Vice President.
Nyasa Times has learnt that the story which was posted in the DPP’s online news, Malawi Voice, is a creation of DPP campaign director Zikhale Ng’oma.
Ng’oma had first asked to meet Mpinganjira to assist him meet President Joyce Banda and join her People’s Party.

Mpinganjira is said to have turned down Zikhale who was a close aide of late president Bingu wa Mutharika and practice politics of “divide and conquer.”
But Zikhale who had spent a week at Sun and Sand resort in Mangochi with a girl friend since Mutharika died (details which Nyasa Times have including pictures) , requested Kasambara to facilitate the meeting with the President.
Kasambara, who worked with Zikhale in Mutharika administration, is said to have ignored the political rubble rouser.
Reacting with anger, Zikhale cooked up the story and told the DPP mouthpiece , Malawi Voice, run by Justin Mponda, Austin Kakande and Limbikani Muhura to fabricate the story that Kasambara and Mpinganjira were mad with the appointment of Kachali as VP.
The story awfully claimed Kachali and President Banda are related. This is not the case. Banda was previously married to a Kachale, a southerner and not Kachali.
Actually, Kasambara is the one related to President Banda through the husband, retired Chief Justice Richard Banda.
The former Attorney General said there is no way he could have aspired to be Vice President because he is not a member of People’s Party and that President Banda cannot allow a dynasty as he is a relation.
The story was an attempt to equate President Banda to Mutharika who wanted to hand over power to his brother, he noted.
Mpinganjira on the other hand said Kachali was befitting to be VP as he is also second in command in the PP, saying he is not a secretary general but an interim treasurer general.
One of the observers, Joshua Chisa Mbele, who has been a DPP member until recently, also noted that the article was carefully drafted by somebody “whose sole aim is to plant seeds of mistrust, suspicions, initiating a vicious circle of backstabbing and finally to humiliate President Joyce Banda.”
Mbele said the article “bears the hallmark of what misled Bingu wa Mutharika and effectively killed DPP in the eyes of the nation. Bingu might be gone, poisonous seeds remain intact. “
Mbele says the DPP mouthpiece should expand their energy” in burying Bingu”.
He argues: “These are people that misled the President. Bingu died lonely, deserted because he was at war with his own people. It was because of such hot-head people in the party.”
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