Economist Kachaje says blackout will have no impact in 2019 Malawi polls: Backs electoral reforms

One of Malawi’s reknowned Economic Expert, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker Henry Kachaje has revealed that the current
excessive power outage the country is experience will have no any significant impact in the outcome of the highly anticipated 2019
Tripartite Elections.

Kachaje: Backs electoral reforms bill

The remarks comes at a time Malawians are experiencing the worst ever electricity service delivery.

Considering the fact that the highest percentage of Malawians live in rural areas, Kachaje said the majority of voters are therefore the
one’s who do not rely much on electricity.

“The people who decide who becomes President of Malawi are among the 90% who have lived in darkness since the colonial years” reads part of Kachaje’s post on Facebook .

He added that the performance of a President or Presidential Candidate in Malawi has very little bearing on people’s choice of who become President.

“But most importantly who you vote for has no major significance but WHO and How the votes are counted and compiled……..unless of course the electoral reforms are passed,” wrote the economist.

He therefore warned Malawians that they will keep on crying towards the challenges they are facing i.e Power blackouts but ‘it’s not
important to those in leadership’.

“They can do without the 10% ‘spoilt section of population’. Thats the fact you have to live with,” he concluded.

A call for electoral reforms was advanced by several quarters of the society after the 2014 Tripartite Elections which both local and
international observers said had so many irregularities.

Since then, stakeholders have agreed exposed weaknesses in the country’s electoral system which they say compromise holding of free,
fair and credicle elections.

The process continues to face hurdles despite the taskforce that was formed which in 2015 promised that the electoral reform process will
completely be finalised in 2017.

The then Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Late Justice Maxon Mbndera said: “What Malawians out there and MEC would like to see is a better frame work to guide credible future elections”.

Meanwhile, the bill is yet to be tabled in parliament even during the current parliamentary sitting but chances are very minimal as th
current leadership is dodging the process.

Among other things, the Bill will require Presidential Candidate to get over 50 percent (50+1) of the total votes to be declared winner.

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7 years ago

Read between lines. He is mimicking the leadership. Mocking so to speak.

7 years ago

Mr Kachaje bwanji?. Are you referring blackouts as lack of electricity to give light in a house or lack electricity to produce in an economy so that everybody is earning a living and getting public services?

Chikadza Kuwani
Chikadza Kuwani
7 years ago

I used to watch him on times tv and I preciated his teachings, but now I feel like vomiting what he is writing. Kodi mwadya Mabanzi kani aKachaje

7 years ago


7 years ago

Kachaje youi are slowly becoming Billy Banda of the defunct Malawi Watch. He is deranged and secretly gets paid by the in certain quarters. Your analysis of Malawi’s current situation in relation to the outcome of the 2019 elections is a total flop. Leave politics to those who understand it better to analyze the situation and concentrate on your failed economics. If you have the ability to analyze political situation then you are deliberately choosing to be a foreigner in your own country. We know you are eying the position left by Dr. Magalasi at the Sate House, unfortunately, you… Read more »

7 years ago

No kachaje,you are wrong. The use of electricity is not lighting only. We cant shave,we can’t mill,we can’t charge phones. do u mean with this we don’t need electricity here in the village? Surely blackouts WL have impact in already had that impact in that 5-1 by elections. Didn’t you see it?

Mind Reader
Mind Reader
7 years ago

Mr Kachaje might be the country’s reknowned Economic Expert, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker but one thing for sure he’s either misinformed or compromised. For a start, I have met him a few times (long time ago), and I’m not on Facebook. I wonder when was the last time he spent a week or day in the so called rural areas or his village? In this day and age, it doesn’t require academic background in economic studies to know that people all over the country are feeling the effects of persistent power outages. Talk of women who are spending whole day… Read more »

Prince of Thieves
Prince of Thieves
7 years ago

Mr Kachaje, I will differ with your opinion, its true that 90% of voters come from where there is no electricity but those people have got children in town who support them depend on the same electricity to earn a living and send some to the parents in rural areas. If the children tell the parents that I am unable to sent you something because am not working coz of blackouts will that message not affect the rural masses voting decison???? Think of welders, barbers, saloons and other SME`s who have been affected by these blackouts, these things work hand… Read more »

7 years ago

The assertions by Henry shows how narrow minded Malawians are on matters of public interest. I stand to differ with Henry on the impact of electricity on the outcome of election. As much as this issue alone may not determine who will win or who will lose elections but it must be known that its not only an issue of domestic lighting that matters. For example in my village where only a few people have houses with electricity without electricity are impacted more. They can not take their grain for milling on schedule because of power interruptions. In some cases… Read more »

7 years ago

Henry Kachaje makes a very pertinent point that damns successive governments for their ineffectiveness in improving the lives of the vast majority of Malawians. Those much-bemoaned blackouts are just giving our privileged people of the cities a taste of what it is like to be one of the mass of invisible, uncared-for, and apparently irrelevant Malawians who live their lives little serviced or even noticed by the government departments mandated to meet their basic needs. The poor villager may have his land sequestered so that a pylon can carry electric cables to the city, but his chances of getting power… Read more »

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