FDH Bank gives K150 million student scholarships
Fast growing local commercial bank FDH has set aside K150 million for students scholarships in tertiary institutions in the country.
Speaking at a luncheon to announce the scholarships on Wednesday, FDH Holdings Chief Executive Officer Dr Thomson Mpinganjira said the financial institution remains highly committed to supporting the education sector and will continue to support efforts that advance development in the country.
“The quest for national growth was the motivation for FDH Bank to enter into an agreement with the various educational institutions. These institutions are an integral component in shaping the future of this nation, and the bank feels privileged to have a rewarding working relationship with institutions of such standing,” said Mpinganjira.
“They are also an essential tool for supporting efforts aimed at enhancing academic quality that contributes to the development of the next generation of leaders and professionals.”
“These partnerships also allow the bank and the institutions to nurture mutually beneficial arrangements that will motivate academically outstanding students and create a pool of talented and skilled human capital. The university, industry and the country at large are consistently in need of skilled human capital to recruit from as well as to provide role models for others,” explained Mpinganjira.
The FDH Bank scholarship dubbed ‘FDH Cares Corporate Social Responsibility Education Scholarships’ will see the University of Malawi (UNIMA) getting K72million to cover for 16 students at Chancellor College and Polytechnic for a period of four years while Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) will get K64 million to cover for 12 students for a period of five years.
The FDH bank scholarship will also cover a Bursary program for 80 Hope for the Blind students in various secondary schools and Chancellor College valued at K15million for two years.
Speaking at the same function, Chancellor College Registrar Mary Wasiri thanked FDH Bank for the support rendered noting that now beneficiary students will concentrate on education without worrying about education fees.
MUST Vice Chancellor Professor Address Malata also thanked FDH Bank for the gesture.
“We are all called to serve, it is service that impacts human life and this afternoon we are experiencing the spirit of serving. FDH is supporting Sustainable Development Goals through girl child empowerment and education,” said Malata.
MUST student Precious Chigamba was also praises for FDH Bank for the scholarships.
“I am studying medical microbiology. I look forward to developing TV and HIV vaccine and medicines for the waterborne diseases that arise due to flooding in different parts of the country. Thanks to FDH Bank,” said Chigamba.
Chancellor college student Charles Phiri promised to ‘work even harder as the scholarship has energized us and opened our intellectual capabilities to prove ourselves worthy of this opportunity you have given us.’
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we appreciate for this FDH bank, but it would have been fair to consider all public universities with the little you gave.
Nambo zikomo welewo
Paja mumatukwana zanazanali.
Thumbs Up FDH! But what about Mzuni and LUANAR?
FDH Mwaitha. izi ndi zomwe timafuna osati zongokokana