FDH handover K15 million Pediatric ward at Makwasa

Dr Thom Mpinganjira making his remarks after the handover

FDH Holdings Limited has handed over a fully rehabilitated and refurbished K15 million Pediatric ward at Malamulo Adventist Hospital at Makwasa in Thyolo.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, FDH Holdings Chief Executive Officer Dr Thomson Mpinganjira said he was moved to help with the rehabilitation of the pediatric ward for the hospital after attending an Open Day event at the medical facility last year.

“It is pleasing to witness the opening of a fully rehabilitated and refurbished Pediatric Ward Intensive Care Ward (ICU) today.  The ward now has equipment that includes two oxygen concentrators, one ventilator, one suction machine, one monitor and eight beds.”

“We initially planned to spend K10 million on the rehabilitation but extended the budget to K15 million to include the equipment that we noticed was essential for the Ward,” said Mpinganjira.

“This Ward is a heartfelt gift from FDH Bank to Malamulo Adventist Hospital and the children of Malawi. No call is greater than the call to help and support the health of children. Children are the future. This investment is therefore a contribution towards a better and successful future,” added Mpinganjira.

Malamulo Adventist Hospital Medical Director Dr Wilson Thomas thanked FDH Bank for the rehabilitation and the donation of various machines in the pediatric ward saying they are crucial in saving lives of children at the hospital.

“These machines are very important life saving machines for the children. These machines will really make a difference in this room. We thank FDH Bank for this donation,” said Thomas.

Traditional Authority Khwethemule thanked FDH Bank for the rehabilitation of the pediatric ward saying it will serve and care for children in the area.

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6 years ago

its not only lhomwes who goes to malamulo hospital my friend why are you politicize everything

6 years ago

nde pa flames po amwene inu munonapo CRS ikuthandizapo other denominations related health facilities

6 years ago

why is it that FDH only assist SDA related things and within lomwe belt. Surely Jesus was not like that

6 years ago
Reply to  DPP MUST GO

The owner is an SDA and a Lhomwe

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