Five major time management mistakes students make
Time management is one of the essential skills in the life of a modern person. This is especially relatable to students. They have a huge amount of university projects that need to be done on time. Therefore, you can find a huge number of techniques that teach this skill. However, people make various mistakes that do not allow them to get the result they want. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to correct your shortcomings.
1. You Take Too Much Work
Time management does not mean working a lot. It means balance in everything. Congestion reduces performance. Haste and constant fear of not having time increase the activity of the sympathoadrenal system, which interferes with clear thinking and increases the level of stress. If you take too much work, then allocate enough time for this. Determine the level of a comfortable workload and do not go too far beyond it.
However, sometimes it is impossible not to overload yourself since universities may assign many different papers at one day. And time management may not help. For this reason, it can be smart to ask for help. For example, Domypapers provides services of custom academic writing. However, it is still essential not to be lazy and read the essay or other assignment after you get it. Otherwise, you may not understand some part of the material you cover in class. As a result, you can fail that class.
2. You Procrastinate
For sure, watching another exciting and informative YouTube video is more pleasant than working on a new university project. As a result, you lose time and do not get any significant benefits.
Procrastination is challenging to fight, but there are some ways. Just promise yourself to take one small step. For example, push yourself to open Google Docs, where you work on your essay. This minor action allows you to break away from useless pursuits. As a result, it will be much easier for you to continue working on the text task.
3. You Don’t Have Enough Rest
People cannot work all the time. Lack of breaks leads to a drop in productivity and increases stress levels. People’s minds cannot clearly think for more than 90 minutes. After this period, attention is scattered, and you cannot focus on one thing.
For best results, take a break for 15-20 minutes after every 50-90 minutes of work. It is essential to really break away from work and switch to something completely different. If you are engaged in sedentary mental work, then start doing physical activities. For example, do exercises or go for a walk.
4. You Multitask
Doing several tasks at the same time may seem productive. And if it works with simple tasks, then this approach is no longer suitable for intricate mental work. The human brain is not able to concentrate on two things at once. Therefore, you should not do many things at once but just switch between them very quickly.
5. You Don’t Track Your Time
How many precious minutes do you spend on taking a morning shower or checking email during the day? And how much time do you need to perform this or that type of university assignment?
If you cannot confidently answer these questions, then you constantly make this time management mistake. As a result, you spend too much time on unnecessary things. You need to track your time and analyze the results. For this, you can use different mobile applications.
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