Govt assures Malawians on any changes to Information bill
Government has come in handy to assure Malawians that it would make wide consultations before the Access to Information Bill is tabled in parliament.
Minister of Information Jappie Mhango told a local radio station the cabinet committee on legal affairs is now set to meet.
“They could not meet whilst parliament was in session but now that parliament is not meeting, they will meet very soon, ” said Mhango.
Mhango however said the cabinet would not make changes to the bill without consulting stakeholders.
The civil society groups, the media and opposition political parties have faulted the government for its failure to bring the bill to parliament.
Timothy Mtambo, director of the Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), accused Parliament for failing Malawians for not passing the Information bill despite assurances from President Peter Mutharika.
“The only light and hope we had at the end of the tunnel was the promise by President Mutharika on the ATI bill, little did we know that he and his government were lying just like they did with MSB (Malawi Savings Bank ) and NAC (National Aids Commission).
“It tortures the mind of any intellectual when you begin to ask yourself questions as to why and how our government is so afraid of empowering its people through giving them information,” said Mtambo.
According to Mtambo, government’s failure to table and pass the law is reflective of trends on the continent where leaders believe in the culture of secrecy
However the government says the bill has some undisclosed inconsistencies.
Mhango could however not say when the cabinet on legal affairs would meet and when the government would bring it to parliament.
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Government wants to tamper with the bill until it is (NATI) No Access To Information Bill.
MBS bank what happened after heard about consultations! Nothing happened. It was sold!!!