Homosexuals are human: Undule advocates greater acceptance for gays in Malawi

My country’s debate on homosexuality has been emotional and negative. Our emotions have misled us even think that the word of God is not premised on love, tolerance and co-existence. And recent legalization of same sex marriage in America has raised more fears that the Americans as usual will force us to do the same.

Lesbian kiss: Malawi urged  to decriminalise sex between consenting adult men in private.
Lesbian kiss: Malawi urged to decriminalise sex between consenting adult men in private.

My mentor in Christ Pastor Elijah Chisiza whom I have debated many times on the issue of homosexuality said in one of his many inspiring teachings that he does not see any problem with US legislation as long as that does not affect us believers in serving our true GOD.

You might agree with my Pastor as I do that what has happened in America should not bother us at all. Why worried with something we had little influence to curtail? Why the cry now? What I know is that pro-gay movements and supporters are very strong, vibrant, solid and well connected. They have an agenda and purpose to achieve. While believers in anti-gay voice are scattered, weak with no clear purpose to sustain themselves. Their voice in resistance to homosexuality is in wilderness with no impact at all. Believers need to go back to the drawing board, they need to ask for GODs voice otherwise they will keep on crying and chasing the shadows.

But my question has always been why are we so homophobic to homosexuals? Did Jesus not come to save lost souls, did Jesus ever reject sinners? Why this hatred, anger, discrimination, violence, exclusion against homosexuals? Are homosexual’s worse sinners than those adulterers, drunkards, smokers, drug users, thieves, those witches, wizards and satanists we nurture in our religious circles? My straight answer is NO!

As one of the believers I strongly stand to reach out to them with compassion and without making their sexuality an issue. Under no cirmustancses should we separate ourselves from them as long as it does not mean partaking of their sin and this should apply to all other non-believers.

In my spiritual being I have not taken homosexuality the principal issue, the issue is lack of relationship with GOD. I don’t see them as evil sinners because they are homosexuals but that they are homosexuals because they are sinners and that Jesus Christ paid for every sin in their lives.

I believe it is against the will of God to victimise, persecute and advocate homosexuals should be killed just because of their orientation instead of helping them. GOD’s word is the light and must guide us in finding solutions to homosexuality not only in Malawi but worldwide. Certainly putting them in jail, condemning them to death or excluding them from active society will never be a solution. Homosexuals are human being first before their sexuality.

Brethren let us reflect on our position on homosexuals like all other marginalized groups. Look at them as children of God as you are. I therefore leave you with the message of compassion and love.

  • The author is former Executive Director of Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and now a Nyasa Times columnist

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9 years ago

Well said, indeed homosexuals are no worse than witches, murderers, wizards, satanists and so on and so forth, but why is that homosexuals want homosexuality to be legalised? What’s special about it? We have lived with all other kinds of sin since time immemorial but none has fought for their decriminalisation, what’s special about homosexuality? Only homosexuals know better!!! They want to make a very big Sodom and Gomorrah out of the earth. They can practice it privately as others do but don’t involve every one.

Moya Jombajomba
Moya Jombajomba
9 years ago

amenewo akathamangitse akazi awo ndi kukwatira amuna anzawo kuti titengerepo phunziro osati maso pa ndalama basi or akafotokozele makolo awo ngati akawavomereze angofuna kutisokoneza basi amenewo akagwire maganyu gay ndi boko halamu sitikuifuna

Man vin
Man vin
9 years ago

Mmm anakwatra mkaz ameneyo.mukasatra ameneyo mchita kuposa ntchebe(galu) what for,homo?

9 years ago

Mmmh we n last daes en reveration has proven t.tiime pomwe tili but t is so stupid for aman to du such an evil thing yet umaziwa kuti bible lukana

9 years ago


9 years ago

you people amene mumayamikira za ma gay sindimakumvesani.taphunzirani kwa nyama maka agalu omwe mumaweta ngati amapanga zomwe mukupangazo.so we should say that dogs are wise than gays?galu wa mphongo amasaka thazi,munthu wa mamuna akusilira mamuna mzake pali umunthu apa?

9 years ago

Wow to my country,sodom+gomora was as my counrty want to be.some postors there devil sevants.LEVICUS 18:1-34,Exodus 20:14.Read this verses ife u want to be ril christian don’t just follow what ur postor saying but ask HOLY SPIRIT to teach u and guide u He is only the good teacher,[Hard it bein ur father does not marry and meat ur mother wonner u Born,wonner u be apresedent,chief,king,poster etc position u have THINK this in ur HAERT]

9 years ago

Me fire burn de chichi man and the lesibian kip fire burn its not true dats Babylon system man to man girl to girl that’s long straight

Boyd Kilembey
Boyd Kilembey
9 years ago

Undule is 100% correct. People should be worried on how they will get into heaven, not worry about how homosexuals should be punished on behalf of God. Why do people want to punish sin on behalf of God? Why do heathens want to be judgemental? Is this not the same reason people with leprousy were being persecuted? Is this not the same reason albinos were being murdered because they were different from “us”. I am glad South Afrucans can see through this issue. If there are two things that cause emotions, these are religion and culture. So many crimes have… Read more »

vin mongu
vin mongu
9 years ago

a undule inu… once a lost sheep always a lost sheep. this is a case of preaching wolves in sheep skin. no wonder you are living in comfort since the LGBT funds are still flowing eti…. Many of the LGBT want to use xtianity and the bible talk about tolerance selectively just to make them comfortable in their lives but neglect the whole message. Jesus had disciples and in his teachings he used to rebuke them and was even able to pin point a murder conspirator, Judas. was judas a saint no but he was an accountant of the jesus… Read more »

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