Hooker Andu sues bogus Malawi News Alert for defamation: ‘No nudes for SKC’
A bogus social media outlet ‘Malawi News Alert’ has been dragged to court for defamation after it published a fake news which alleges that some woman was planning to leak nude pictures of Vice President Saulos Chilima, UTM Party presidential candidate for May 21 2019 Tripartite Elections.
However, the woman Sandra ‘Andu’ Ntonya a famous Manchester- based escort girl has been infuriated with the story because it is fake news.
The nude pictures do not exit.
Apparently Andu has never had Chilima as her client.
The whole story was fabricated to tarnish the image of the UTM presidential candidate, Chilima.
The UTM presidential candidate has become the envey of other political parties because of his energetic campaign hence the smear campaign from political competitors.
Attoneys at Law, Maganga and Company acting on behalf of Andu have asked the bogus publication to immediately retract the story and issue an equivocal apology to the injured parties.
According to the letter from the attorneys which Nyasa Times has seen, upon production of a satisfactory retraction, the social media publication will be dragged to court to pay compensation for the damage caused on both Andu and UTM presidential candidate.
The development comes at a time Andu posted on social media x-rated pictures of governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) embattled director of elections Ben Phiri.
Andu, who normally films her “clients” posted the nude photos on Twitter and scandalised Phiri on Facebook through her ‘live’ shows.
Phiri has not commented on this issue.
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Andu how much do you charge? Na poor ine koma ndifuna nilaweko ndikaza ku UK, satisfaction gurrantteed
Correction- my sister Andu is not a hooker. She is a high class escort. Very God fearing, honest and transparent unlike many of you who are wolves in a sheep skin
Aliyense Ali ndi ma ufulu ake kuphatikizapo onyenga komaso kunyengedwa. Komatu vuto ndiloti hule uyuyu ” andu” akunyozesa azimayi anthu ofatsa kuno omwe akufuna kupanga nawo ndale bwino bwino. Zowona ana athu aziganiza kuti school ikavuta tikhoza kuzakhala mahule nkumapanga survive? We don’t want this stupidness here. Please nyasatimes save us from this rubbish. How can women be respected like this????? Mmmmh!
Pomwe sunamvese ndi pati kapolo iwe? Its a straight forwaward story. mxiew
Mkaziyu si hule ayi. Mahule ndi azibambo a chi Malawi omwe amakamupeza iye ali phee nkumakajambulitsa maliseche amene ti kuwaonawa. I have been in London several times and I have not gone to see her. So many Malawians do travel to UK but don’t go for a photoshoot. Bvuto mukaba ndalama za Boma nonse mukumakathamangila kwa iyeyo maka inu a DPP. Zinthuzi mpaka Ana anu kumaona kkkkkk. Shaft yopindika
But she has rejected allegations why insult her?mahule were there even during Jesus time!
Kodi hule uyu
UTM strategists are very shallow! Nanga pali nkhani yoti mature people should be reading apa? Mukudya zaulere
U r stupid. if ur matured why commenting?
The people Chilima is associated with! Andu lehu lenileni. Descent people shouldn’t be associated with these bad characters. Teleku ndi wa Utm lehu yu
Ali nawo ma nudes a Chilima? Let her bring them out. Tione ngati awoneke ochenjera. Kungozionetsa ubulutu.
Koma chitsilu cha hule ichi chitisowetsa mtendere. A completely useless woman who will die a painful death. She thinks she is on top of the world but her head is full of mamina. Why can’t she continue being way laid by all the Dicks and Harrys of the world quietly. She is not even beautiful – kupanda zozola ndi zovala zabwino analinso ndani ameneyu. SHUPITU.
Kikkkkkk your statement has made my day.