Inclusive education teaching manual to be out soon -Fedoma
The Federation of Disabled People in Malawi (FEDOMA) has said that it expects that more people with disabilities will have a chance to get education once the inclusive education teaching manual which is currently being developed is out.
The Inclusive Education Manual is being developed under the partnership between Federation of Disabled People Organizations in Malawi (FEDOMA), Parents of Disabled Children Association of Malawi (PODCAM) and the Ministry of Education with funding from Japanese Social Development Fund (JSDF) through the World Bank.
Speaking in an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), FEDOMA Head of Programs Saimon Munde said that the initiative aims at increasing enrollment of learners with disabilities in all schools across the country.
“You are aware that currently learners with special needs are not welcomed in regular schools because regular teachers have no skills on how to handle them, but once this manual is out all teachers will use it to teach the children therefore we are sure that more children will access education,” said Munde
Munde said FEDOMA aims at getting up to 100 percent school enrollment of children with disabilities.
“Our goal is to have all children with disability access education where ever they are and we appeal to other well wishers to support this initiative in various ways such as orientation of teachers, using it in teacher colleges and the teachers themselves should have interest to access it and use it,” said Munde.
Munde said apart from the manual, FEDOMA under the inclusive education program, which is being implemented in three districts of Salima, Mchinji and Dowa, is constructing structures that facilitate disabled learners to access classrooms and other areas such as toilets.
“Apart from what we are doing in those schools we are also advocating for creation of disability friendly school facilities in all schools across the country,”
In another interview Director for Special Needs in the Ministry of Education, David Njaidi said that his Ministry is part of the project because the project has potential to bring change in access to education for people with disability.
“As government, we are part of the program because it has more potential to add value to government’s goal of giving quality education to all,” said Njaidi.
Malawiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!, leaving those with technico-know-how on IE will put us 1000years behind the programme. Remember knowledge is vital,dont put pecuniary ideology on these issues, we have already seen some controlling officers trying to put their favourites and yes, yes bwana to garner respect after the programme is already underway. Tiyeni tikonde dziko lathu a Malawi,