Increased racism moves MP Musowa to ask Malawi govt for action: Cites Mpingwe Sports Club
Member of Parliament for Mulanje Bale, Victor Musowa of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has asked Parliament to take action and deal with increasing cases of racial discrimination being perpetrated by foreign nationals against Malawians.

Using private members motion, Musowa said some places of entertainment and hotels are barring Malawians from access and that in some hotels, Malawians are being racially abused.
The legislator has since called upon the Legal Affairs and Foreign Affairs committees of Parliament to zero in on the matter and come up with a solution to ensure the malpractice is tamed.
Musowa cited an example where some Malawians were allegedly turned away from accessing Mpingwe Sports Club on claims of racial abuse.
“I am a sober parliamentarian who always think about tomorrow. I opened it to the public so that we should have an ample time to look at the reality,” said Musowa after he moved his private member’s motion.
However, Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda while agreeing with Musowa that the problem is significant and needs to be dealt with, said investigations have shown that some clubs such as Mpingwe are membership-based hence only paid-up members are allowed entry.
“When we see such issues of racism coming up, we should condemn them,” said Chimwendo Banda.
He cautioned against generalising Indians as bad, saying there are some who are contributing positively to the national development.
Chimwendo Banda, nonetheless, said Indians must respect that Malawians have rights too, including to proper earnings.”
He said the government is committed to enforcing relevant laws to deal with the issue adequately.
Gandhi was racist same Mwenyes are following their leader specialist in rape stealing corruption what have they done for this country apart from stealing they think there shit don’t stink 🤣🤣🤪 jokers machendes
Nchifukwa chake ku South Africa akuwafufuzanso amenewa. Chodabwitsa nchoti nkhati kwanu ku India nkopambana osakhala konko bwanji. This is why Julius Malema is fighting the evil Guptas. Even in USA They have infiltrated the government with the evil man himself Bill gates of Hell. And you want to point at African tribalism. Lets talk about the caste systems in India. Lets talk about the evil wife burning practices in India. The shame is that our Politicians have sold our country to the lowest bidder. Even Nthawi ya Kamuzu a mwenye amaba ndalama kulowetsa mu chitanda cha munthu wakufa in the… Read more »
Musowa wasowa zochita and wayiwala za tribalism which dpp subjected to Malawians. Bingu, APM and the entire DPP thieves thought that Lomwes were superior. Only Lomwes were given top positions. They introduced the quota system of education just to ensure that northerners are pushed aside. Today he attacks Indians who have always lived in isolation. We don’t even see their girls and women. Leave them alone it’s their culture.
These indians are real bandits. They are robbing Malawi to no account. Their companies pay very limited taxes. They work with accounting firms controlled by Indians (such as ERNST YOUNG) to come up with a set of books for the banks and another one for MRA. Ernst Young is the gang leader. MRA knows this very well but since Shiraz Yusuf pays them very very well, they their heads away. John Bisiwick knows this as he has worked closely with Shiraz Yusuf when he was at PCL. We are watching him to see how he is going to handle the… Read more »
Martin, you are making a very good point here. The key for Tonse is to generate tax revenue to rebuild our country. If this bad accountant is using an international brand to help Asian business people evade taxes, he must be punished. Shiraz Yusuf is bad and baddest. I am surprise that Ernst & Young can continue to put up with this man unless the international brand is also corrupt.
MALAWIANS, Please denounce these bandits whenever you are aware of their mischiefs. We must retake our country. Such blatant tax evasion organized by ERNST YOUNG is not acceptable. We must track this and denounce them to the authorities.
My cousin works for Shiraz Yusuf. He has assembled a lot of information on corrupt actions that he will share with ACB and the authorities.
Pls ask you cousin to send info to ACB as soon as possible. Please contact me if you need help
Samuel, FYI a group of NGOs who are promoting good governance in Malawi have filed complaints against EY and his CEO in a number of international organizations. There are lot of investigations on Shiraz Yusuf and we shall soon hear about the outcome. I am a a lawyer to one of the NGOs
You are right. I am aware of this initiative that may lead to the end of Shiraz in Malawi. He will soon be under the fire. Poor CEOs who rely on him are better jump ship before it is too late.
MRA is now fully controlled by Shiraz Yusuf, now that his friend John Bisiwick is the chief. Bisiwick gave fat contracts to Yusuf when he was the chief operations at Press Corporation. In Malawi, we are all foolish. For a few tips, we give the keys to our houses to these mwenyes who properly rob us. Surely Shiraz is happy to have his friend as head of MRA. Now all mwenyes will go to Ernst Young to cook their books and rob our Tonse government of the little taxes that they paid under DPP. Sad Malawi
Please leave John Bisiwick out of Shiraz Yusuf’s mess. John is a friend of mine and a fellow member of my church. He was a top executive of a company that gave lots of contracts to Shiraz Yusuf and his company Ernst Young. But John was not the key man in charge at Press. He has since moved on and is now at the top of MRA. Knowing John, I believe that his door will be closed to shady characters like Shiraz Yusuf. Lets give him a change and you will see by yourself. Thank you
I fully agree. Please leave John Bisiwick out of the shinegans that Shiraz Usuf has with Press. At Press, the buck stops at the desk of the CEO and not at the desk of the COO. Shiraz Yousseff knows this very well and, as a master manipulator, he knows on who to apply pressure. Shiraz Yousseph will only waste his time to buy out the key players. John has moved on to greener pasture. Shiraz Yousseffff is in safe territory since the CEO of Press still has his job (for now!) A lot of people beyond the new board members… Read more »
What do you mean by leaving John alone. Look, being a COO is tantamount to being the CEO. Look, John had a lot of power at Press and he was clearly able to hire or not to hire good and bad apple consultants such as Shiraz Yusuf. One cannot now tell me that he had no relationship with Shiraz Yusuf. The fact, these big Malawian CEO and COO rely on Asians and often, on bad Asians. Poor Malawi
Irma, I like your loyalty to John Bisiwick. I don’t know him from Adam. He is certainly a fine man. We have plenty of fine men in Malawi and the mwenyes know how to take advantage of their fineness. Lets see how John Bisiwich will treat Shiraz Yusus in the weeks and months to come. People have gone on the record to tie him up with Shiraz Yusuf. He must prove them wrong by investigating the books of all Ernst Young’s clients presented to MRA. These investigations must be aggressive and public. Only then will I agree that John Bisiwick… Read more »
No one must underestimate Shiraz Yusuf. He is considered to be one of the most powerful person in Malawi. He uses the “prestige” of Ernst Young to corner most companies in Malawi to give him contracts. People who know him thing that there is a pay-play in place. Anyone who knows more about his scheme should contact ACB. The thing is Ernst Young will soon get rid of him. His partners do not like how Shiraz Yusuf is using the brand in Malawi. There are just too many complaints about the man. He is the worse of the mwenyes. The… Read more »
Please any Malawian who knows anything on how these mwenges are robbing Malawi shall report them to the ACB. These mwenges have hired a lot of Malawians to do minor work for them. Malawians, you must spy on the mwenges and report to the authorities. We can’t go back for another round of colonialism, this time from asians pakistanis
Malawians, please contact me if you need help to expose these bandits to ACB. I have a lot of cases I am representing against the people who have been listed above. Game is on.
The chartered accountants association is worrying that Shiraz is using EY signature to issue bogus audit certificates. It will be interesting to see what their investigation conclude. Malawi must follow this matter very closely.
2009 14 MILLION 5.8mill
2014 16 MILLION 7.4mill
2019/20 19 MILLION 6.8 mill
Looks like 60/70% of malawian population are indigenous malawians or either they have a british passport
So they dint go to vote
Or may be they way racially abused
Plz u gotta think before u talk
Homework has to be done well
Just recently at Lilongwe Muslim sports club,those who hadn’t paid their membership were barred from entering the club grounds ,those people happened to be Their fellow” mwenyes”.were they being racist !!?.
Just recently,at lilongwe Muslim sports club ,those who hadn’t paid their membership fees were barred from entering the club grounds,those people happened to be their own fellow mwenye’s.Would you say they were being racist !!?.
Idi Amin the great on my mind
Uganda economy falls after idi amin
And the aftermath
Plz read of ur free
We are all Idi Amin! Malawians are no longer in control of their country. Our country has been sold of to Asians. We are all Idi Amin Dada
The issue of face masks in indian companies is rampant where locals are given cheap cloth masks while indians are given medical ones.
We have situations around.
Try giving them a 2000 mask
Garantee the employee will sale it
And say i lost it
Pay him better he won’t see the need to sell the mask
Indians should know if we are to take them seriously they should start improving the wages they pay to ordinary Malawians. They treat Malawians like slaves and most of them have fraudulent Malawian citizenships. Take it or leave it. We should treat one another with respect.