Inkosi Gomani to wed alongside annual Umhlangano Ngoni festival
The Maseko Ngoni Heritage has set November 2, 2019, as the day for Inkosi ya Makosi Gomani V will tie the knot with his sweetheart, Rishaladza Khanyisa Mathebula.

Chairperson of the Heritage, Inkosi Makwangwala said Inkosi Gomani V, popularly known as Ngwenyama among the Maseko Ngoni, is marrying Khanyisa Mathebula from Giyani, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
The wedding ceremony will be held alongside the annual Umhlangano of the Maseko Ngoni Cultural Festival where the royal couple will attend.
Umhlangano is cerebrated every year and it takes place at the Gomani Chikuse Sports ground, where the 1st Gomani was buried.
The ceremony starts in the early hours with slaughtering of a fat male calf near Gomani’s grave as a sacrifice to their ancestors.
The meat from the slaughtered calf is roasted and eaten without salt right at the grave site as part of the ritual of the sacrifice.
Inkosi Ya Makhosi Gomani V, born Mswati Willard Kanjedza Gomani, was declared crown prince at the age of 13 in 2009 after the death of his father Kanjedza Gomani and was inaugurated in 2012 as Ngoni paramount chief.
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I am not impressed at all! why a south african woman?? do we not have better woman in Malawi? for a first when i saw the invitation i was so dissapointed! why would the first wife be a foreigner ??if she was the second wife it would have been understandable this is an insult to the Malawian women tiziti kuno kulibe akazi abwino okongola oti angakwatire kuchifumuko? how will the people in the village communicate with the her,will there be an interpreter?The bride is not even Zulu for crying out loud ! Apapa kwa Gomani ko saanaganize boo
To much importing malawians eish, xenophobia itha koma? we keep on going to South Africa under any excuse!! What about forex? Let’s search local products abale
Azimayi kususka, munthu ungachoke ku Joni kudzakwatiwa kuno kkkkkkkkmavuto akuno suwadziwa? Unangomva kuti ndi mfumu ndiye umayelekeza za Mangosuthu Buthelezi kkkk uziwonanso……muyatsa kandulo kuno chemwali, muphika pamakala, mudya ntapashatu kuno…wakula waziwona…….kumaganiza zinazi ndithu! Wamuna kusowa ku Joni…akudandaulani abale anu….makani, tiyeni, muziwona
Na ma babe a ku SouthAfrica sanama ase..kuona mahip okhaowo eeee mouthwatering onse amakahalanso ndi ma backyard view a bho iwenso kumvetsa kuti eeee apa pali babie yatwa onsetu…. osati apa Zim mmmmkwinanso ku Botswana ndi ku MOzambiquye kuli ma babe a bhonso…wakhwana ngwenyama choice ya SouthAfrica akazi a abho ama looks achizimayi….Congratulations …
Congratulations Inkosi, for importing wowwww ka tsuna, ngenge, nyemyezi kkkkkkk Kumalawi kuno eeeish achina mayi madando atenga malo heavy akuophya Mmmmm
He was 13 in 2009? So he’s only 23 years now? Doesn’t look 23 years.
Bayethe Ngwenyama!
Inkosi kuno kulibe a nyemba?
paja amasankha wochokela kubanja lina la chifumu la chi zulu/ngoni