Irate DPP, UDF monitors chase away MCP MP in Kasungu by-elections poll centre

Irate Democratic Progressive party (DPP) monitors and that of the United Democratic Front (UDF) with assists from Malawi Electoral Commission(MEC)  officials  on Tuesday chased away  from the poling center the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) parliamentarian Amon Nkhta on suspicion that he wanted to influence vote rigging in the by-elections  which is underway in Bunda Ward at Kasungu LEA school.

Independent candidate Gerald Phiri cast this ballot
Independent candidate Gerald Phiri cast this ballot

Nkhata, who is MP for Kasungu Central Constituency came around 5:45 in the morning and he told the security personnel’s deployed on the area that he came to monitor school block maintenance work under way at the poling center of the by-elections but he did not do as planned. He was chased away.

DPP monitor Monga Zintambira confirmed the development in an interview that there was a small fracas resulting to a  suspicious  move by Mr. Nkhata who he said was not supposed to do that work on the voting day.

MEC Commissioner Elvey Mtafu said the parliamentarian’s presence at the project’s monitoring had caused no influence on the rigging of vote as people may speculate.

“Indeed he came as early as 5am, he was at the Kasungu  LEA School  monitoring work progress of school rehabilitation but political party members thought he was at a wrong place and wrong time to do that job, so they chased him away,” Mtafu said.

Nkhata could not be reached for comment as he had sped off with his car.

However, Mtafu apart from the incident said she is happy at the turn-out of people who came to cast the votes.

“There were three long queues, voters including polling staff were well positioned by 6:00 am and this shows enthusiasm from the people of Bunda ward. If the trend continues, we expect to attain 95 percent of the vote. We did not come across voting of underage,” said Mtafu.

District Civic Education Officer for Kasungu Gerald Chirwa also expressed satisfaction with the voting proceedings saying the long quees that also attracted old and young people shows that National Institute for Civic Education (NICE)  as an office also did perfect job in mobilizing and civic educating people.

He also pats MEC on its back saying they did quite a handsome job in civic educating people hence the big number.

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8 years ago


Binnwell Kachikopa
8 years ago

Nyasa times has as of recent publishing its reports in a biased manner, how can you justify that the mp wanted to influence vote rigging yet you did not get his side of the story? Do you remember you quoted troubles of mcp as caused by brainless leadership? Are your reporters educated to the level of twisting the truth? Or NANUSO AKUVUMATITSANI CHI BANZI? Let me teach” every entity, an organisation, a human being, a football/netball team passes through some critical development stage when risks are high than gains. If you publish half baked stories to appease your masters then… Read more »

khalid seleman
8 years ago

The justice is that, the parliamentary candidates is not allowed to near by polling stations. So if he did so which is wrong that’s true.

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