Joy Radio, TV faces financial crisis: Ufulu Radio in job cuts
Private owend Joy radio and television stations is facing financial crisis with accumulated K30-million debt in wage bill, Nyasa Times can reveal.

Employees at the two institutions operating under Joy Media Group have gone five months without being paid their salaries due to financial constraints with debtors haunting the institution for unsettled debts.
The institution which is owened by former president Bakili Muluzi has a monthly wage bill of about K6 million.
Meanwhile, the disgruntled employees who are considering staging a sit-in to force management to pay them their dues have engaged Communication Workers Union of Malawi (Cowuma) to help on their grievances.
A week ago public-owned broadcaster, Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) through the High Court Sheriffs pounced on Joy Media Group and seized a vehicle over unpaid debt of K4.5 million.
The Sheriffs seized the vehicle Toyota Rav4, paralyzing operations of both Joy Radio and Television, as the media grouping has been failing to pay MBC agreed tower-sharing fees accumulated to K5.1 million- including Sheriffs charges.
In related development, another private media institution Ufulu radio station owned by former President Joyce Banda has retrenched some of its staff due to financial constraints.
Some of the retrenched staffs include renowned radio presenter and Dj John Atom Mota, reporters Simon Makamba and Terence Mwamulima.
Ufulu Radio has been facing financial hiccups since 2014 when Banda failed to retain reins of power in a controversial tripartite elections won by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led by its leader President Peter Mutharika.
zonsezo belongs to former presidents.kkķkk
So bad, however i feel like neither the employer nor the employees are to blame. It’s the bad economy i believe. May the situation change for the better.
Guys ma busines omangoyamba opanda market survey amatero, kungoti bola mwapedza ndalama, Bola munamaweta nkhuku
We, as a country are sailing in troubled waters economically, no wonder businesses are struggling. it’s survival of the fittest.
MMMPAKA ATOM! THE DJ! Apopo ndy mwapanga mistake.
hahahahahahaha ande nkhani zaketu…mwaiwala kale kuti galaxy nayonso inatsala 1 drop kuti igweeeee….nde mwati atom azika ng’weuuula kuti???anazaaa chani??