Joyce Banda continues to reach out to the needy

Former president Joyce Banda takes a step further continuing with her charity works as she reaches out to children and women living positively with HIV/AIDS in complimenting government’s efforts of making Malawi a better place for all.

Banda feeding the children
Banda handing over the sewing machine
Banda with the beneficiaries
jB handing over the flour

On Saturday, the former Malawi leader, who is also People’s Party (PP) President spent her day in the community in Domasi doing her outreach work.

Banda distributed fortified food packs to women living positively with HIV/AIDS.

Said Banda: “Research is telling us that those with underlying health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, HIV/AIDS and other complications are vulnerable when it comes to Covid 19. It is incumbent upon all of us in our respective personal capacities to help government sensitize the communities and help in whatever little way we can to enable them access clean water for hygiene, nutritious food as well as masks.”

She said she is committed to see lives of rural people especially the poor and the vulnerable transformed for the better.

“I shall praise God forever for his favour that I can be able to do this work for 40 years. I will continue reaching out to my fellow women and children, it is my calling,” said Banda.

As a way of promoting education through school feeding program,  Banda continue feeding children orphans and vulnerable children.

“At this centre, we have 350 children. We have 10 centres in Zomba Malosa and 31 centres in some districts across Malawi. After closure of four months due to Covid 19, we reopened the first feeding centre this past week at the Joyce Banda Foundation Community Centre Called Nsigalira named after my great grandmother,” she said.

Nsigalira is in the area of Kalembo Village, Group Village Headman Ntogolo, Traditional Authority, (T/A) Malemia in Zomba.

The former Malawi leader is also implementing a project of making and distributing reusable masks countrywide.

“I am pleased that today, we received a donation of sewing machines from a well-wisher to enable us reach out to many with the reusable face masks,” said Banda.

Dr Joyce Banda is well known for her charity works as she is recognized internationally for impacting lives of many including women, children and the vulnerable.

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Leader of Operations
3 years ago

Thom Mpinganjira wayamba kuganizira osauka. Naye abiti Cashgate nkhani ya ndege yangoyambanso ali busy kuganizira osauka

3 years ago

I’ve a gut feeling she’ll be spending a hell more quality time at home these days. The first reason is that, with the DPP regime out of the way, she can breathe a lot easier now; our mighty “independent” ACB won’t bother her for a while, if at all. The second reason is that, now that she knows through the fincen file dump that the US Treasury has been a wee bit interested in her finances, it’s perhaps much safer not to wander too far from our national borders. I think a few tired old cliches are in order, eg,… Read more »

Baba Tunde
Baba Tunde
3 years ago

Yaaa amai mwachita bwino kuyambira kumudzi, kukanakhala kwinaku bwezi ena akumati ndi campaign
Koma manja anu ndiopatsa

3 years ago

Joyce Banda should give back the proceeds of the sale of the jet and shut the fuck up. Asatinyase hule uyu( ask Apm for proof). Chimzimayi chakuba, chamabodza.

Ghengis Khan
3 years ago

It is appreciated the former president wants to do charity. But we can only have one first lady at a time. Let Monica Chakwera establish her charity first, and if you want to contribute you can work with her. BTW, you can work with the relevant line ministry.

Baba Tunde
Baba Tunde
3 years ago
Reply to  Ghengis Khan

Ghengis Khani,
Joyce Banda was the former president not the first lady so for you to compare the two doesn’t hold

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