Kenya exonerates Malawi from terror attack link
Malawi government through its spokesperson Henry Mussa have confirmed that the Kenyan government has officially communicated to Lilongwe and cleared that no Malawian national was involved in Al-Shabaab which claimed responsibility for the attacks at a luxury hotel in the East African country last week.

South Africa’s broadcaster SABC aired a story where an analyst claimed that there was a Malawi connection in the Kenyan terror attack that killed at least 21 people last week and Malawi News, a national weekly, quoted Izak Khomo, who was described a “producer” and “analyst” at the SABC, saying the country was implicated in the Kenyan terror attacks because it had connections with Al-Shabaab
The SABC carries content to other African states in SADC and other African regions through a platform called Channel Africa, giving it an audience that reaches millions of people in the continent.
Mussa, who is Minister of Information and Communication Technology, condemned reports linking Malawi to the terror attacks, and expressed delight that Kenyan government has cleared Malawi on such unfortunate link
“Government wishes to inform the general public that the relevant authorities of the Government of the Republic of Kenya have confirmed that no Malawian national was involved in the 15th January 2019 terrorist attacks at a luxury hotel in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi,” reads part of the statement Mussa issued and made available to Nyasa Times.
The statement further reminds all news organisations in Malawi to exercise “utmost care and professionalism” when reporting on matters of national security and interest of any country, including of Malawi.
Mussa said the media should alsi exercise the same measure of professionalism in the choice of words or terms and desist from using terms such as “Malawi, Malawians” haphazardly, “a fact that the Media Houses should know better.”
The Malawi Civil Society Led Black Economic Empowerment Movement (MaBlem) on Sunday penned a scathing letter to the SABC demanding that it clarify remarks made by Khomo which caused mass hysteria within Malawi’s media industry.
MaBlem has also demanded the SABC to provide evidence on the country’s links with terror group Al-Shabaab or else MaBlem would seek legal redress on the matter and call for the channel to be blocked in Malawi if it did not receive a response within the next two weeks.
The letter from MaBlem read: “We write to demand that the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) clarify or retract the remarks made by an expert on terrorism linking Malawians especially Muslim Yaos to terrorism. The remarks have negatively affected our nation’s image and reputation beyond our borders as links to terrorism is a serious allegation. As Malawians we cannot keep quiet when such allegations are being made by such a reputable broadcaster without any authentication, a thing which has the effect of making the whole world believing the assertions as true.”
The organisation was also concerned that the remarks by Khomo at the SABC had the ability to cause hate towards Malawians.
MaBlem further challenged the SABC to further take to task their so-called expert.
The organisation has since requested the ministry of information to order the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) to block all SABC channels in Malawi should the latter not issue a disclaimer or retraction and apology within the deadline.
Making further demands from the South African broadcaster, MaBlem said: “The SABC must carry out a full retraction and apology to the Malawi government, the people of Malawi, Malawi Moslems and above all the Yao tribe. The South African Government must join Malawi in this demand as we have so many Yao Moslems that travel to South Africa and the said report might create hate and animosity towards them and even suffer attacks. Malawians are already at risk of xenophobic attack, and the assertions made might fuel further attacks on Malawians.”
Neo Momodu, the spokesperson of the SABC commented: “The SABC has noted media reports and enquiries. We are currently investigating the matter, before responding to the relevant stakeholders.”
Meanwhile, the Malawi government says it is closely following up and undertaking consultations with the relevant authorities of the Republic of Kenya on the recent tragic incident.
Five militants, including a suicide bomber, stormed the luxury Dusit complex in the Westland’s district of the capital last Tuesday, killing at least 21 people and injuring dozens.
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Not to the extent of blocking all South African channels – that’s being too emotional. Trump called Africa and its leaders shithole, did anybody as the Government or MACRA to block international media organisations like CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera or SKY news and yet people got the information through these news channels. The best approach is to demand a retraction of the story followed by an apology. You should know journalism is like the kitchen. The cook will not always prepare the food to our liking always, but still eat it and raise our concerns later even in the world… Read more »
Gwemula I understand that you have never studied statistics and cannot comprehend it since you are one of those waiting for handouts. At least aChawa have contributed more to violence, theft, prostitution, destruction of Malawi than any other tribe in Malawi. Yes, violence is everywhere but I am talking about who has the lion’s share in theses skirmishes? Check how many violent acts (burning of opponent vehicles, since 1994 to-date and theft of government money, the list goes on). You are terror specialists and cannot allow nkhumba in your territory). Nanga nkhani yomavulana ndikuchotselana ulemu munainvapo kuti kwina? Be ashamed… Read more »
Katong’ongo what ever name you call yourself, We don’t care wheather you hate us the fact of the matter we liberated you from Atsamunda, we were the first people to resist colonisation ( John Chilembwe). We ere the first people who took over from Kamuzu. We are the first people to drive cars, we were the first people to wear clothes when your grandfathers were in nyanda ena mbulanda kumene. We are the first people to drive luxury cars in Mangochi. Mwayidziwa rangerover,hammer, Potche harrydavidson bikes chifukwa cha a yao. So don’t come with your nonsense here.
The truth of the matter is that Al-Shabab elements are in Malawi. We saw them in Mangochi last week and they have been terrorising people of different political views. Soon they will start using mabomba atinkenawo.
Shallow thinking. Have ever tested a bomb. Ukuchezatu iwe. Michael Usi got a beating of his life in Mulanje. Is the Alshabab in Mulanje?
Ma journalist a Malawi news wodalira Whatsapp group for information. Kuzolowela miseche. kkkk
Vuto la a Malawi angaphunzile maka koma umbuli sumatha. Mamina thoo despite being a journalist. Ife Ku Mangochi we have lived side by side with Christians without any problem. If you visit kwa chief Mponda or ku Mpondas the whole village are Christians of Anglican denomination. The same applies to Malandi. its full of Anglicans who happens to be Yaos. Even the biggest catholic diocese is Mangochi. As a journalist, she could have equipped with knowledge of your own people rather than waiting for SABC which is 2000 kilometres away from Blantyre. This news paper has shown that they employ… Read more »
While we have no terrorist links with Al Shabaab, let us deal with our own terrrists DPP cadets. This news puts Malawi at least on world map, all for wrong reason again. Munthu ukayipa anthu amangokunamizira ufiti. Let us put our own house in order.
Sad that Malawi has been wrongly implicated. However, violence ya aChawa ku Mangochi against political opponents provides room for people to falsely accuse or suspect you for dirty behaviours
Nawenso takhala chete. Mwana wa finye.
Ndemwachuta manyazika. Think rationally. Do not over-generalise things. Kuphinzira kumachotsa umbuli.
Katong’ongo or whatever name you call yourself ukunama I mean uli ndi jelasi ndi a chawa wo mbuzi ya munthu iwe a dpp akuvulaza anthu wa mdziko muno ndi achawa winiko anavulazidwa ndi achawa?uyu wa mcp yu wavulala ndi a chawanso?fotseki zako
Good News for Mother Malawi!!!
You know, even Kenya has been attacked by Alshbaab opeatives who were from UK and US, terrorism is a global ting, Anyone from anywhere can be radicalised
Ban this news paper for deliberately wanting or attempting to sour relationships with the external world and not wishing Malawian any good. They are the enemies of the state. This is a very serious misconduct that can be equated to an invading military force or aiding foreign force against Malawi. Deal with this ruthlessly, its not politics we often play, its espinage.