Liars easily contradict each other in Mutharika government!
On Tuesday 6th March 2012 President Bingu wa Mutharika sneaked out of the Malawi on a secret visit to Nigeria. He used his Presidential Jet for the trip. The Presidential jet is an official facility assigned to the head of state to use as a means of official transportation , because taxpayers ( Malawians that is ) coughed the colossal sum of money used to effect its purchase.
News of Mutharika’s secret official visit to Nigeria reached Malawi through Nyasa Times exposure. Yet both the so called official spokesperson of the Government of Malawi , Minister of ( MIS) Information and (SAVAGE) Education , Patricia Kaliati and so called Presidential spokesperson Hetherwick Ntaba vehenmently denied the fact that Mutharika had secretly flown out of Malawi to meet his Nigerian counterpart.
If truth be told, at least Ntaba stated that he had no knowledge of the President’s sudden and secret escapade. Ofcourse all this talk amounted to an inexactitude of the highest level aimed at hoddwinking the citizenry. Or in simple english: a BLUE LIE.

However, Kaliati went one up on Ntaba, probably to demonstrate that she as a cabinet Minister, which Ntaba is not, had a greater mastery of engaging in innexactitudes or lies of a much higher order or rather …Ministerial because Kaliati believes in telling ministerial lies, she lied to the extent of discrediting ICT technology by claiming that the internet or website picture which Nigeria’s State House in Abuja flashed around the world for all to see showing President Jonathan welcoming his Malawian counterpart at the airport must have been doctored.
The writer of this article is a professional photographer, among other activities and is aware that photographs can inded be manipualted. But after thoroughly examining the photograph of Goodluck Jonathan and Mutharika there was no doubt that the photograph was genuine. The photograph that revelaed the whole shenanigan concerning Bingu’s covert and antic tactics to a point of mounting a controversy, had not been “doctored.” The picture was a true reflection of the reality and actuality that happened in real time at the time and place when the two Presidents met.
On his return to Malawi the President made matters worse, by landing and taxing towards the cargo section of Kamuzu International Airport ( KIA) Lilongwe, in order not to be noticed. However although one of his aides believed to be a state house staffer, orderd all workers at the Cargo Centre to close shop and confine themselves to their offices, some inquisitive and analytical guys among them peeped through the open windows of the offices and had a good glimpse of spectacle that unfolded as a whole State President alighted his jet and hurried into the official Mercedes Benz Limousine which was parked next to the jet in a line of three vehicles, a lead vehicle and a rear one, for security reasons, but no usual police motorcycle outriders and sirens, whisking away the Malawi President at a neck-breaking speed.
Because Nigeria is an open democratic society; fully aware of the openness and accountability that go with such a gargantuan obligation coupled with modern technological advances, the leadership there and those working under it routinely posted Bingu’s sudden visit to Nigeria on the internet. By the time Bingu sneaked back into Malawi via KIA Cargo centre, hoping he would do so unoticed, the media had flashed the newsworthy scoop on the “secret” visit to Nigeria.
Meanwhile, Bingu’s personages in the names of Kaliati and Ntaba refused to retract their lies yet Malawians knew all along the fact that their Head of State had sneaked to Nigeria , called on his counterpart to discuss possible fuel supplies by Nigeria to Malawi. Malawians, through their own investigations , found out that Nigeria , yes, extracts crude within its territorial jurisdiction, but does not refine it. The Transnational company such as shell and others perform the extraction of crude from Nigeria, export it to their plants abroad, where it is refined and Nigeria imports the fuel back into its own territory for consumption. Had Malawi’s head of State botherd to check these facts, had he not believed that he is a “Mr. Know it All” perhaps he would have wasted his time and taxpayers funds to embark on such a futile undertaking.
Oh yes and by the way this past weekend he admitted the whole trip ……these are sure signs of dimented man and in my view the last kicks of a dieing horse.